Контрольная работа: Mass Media in Modern Russia
It is necessary to consider information needs of the modern person as need for messages of the certain maintenance and the form which are necessary for people for orientation in the surrounding reality, specifications of a the world-outlook, for a choice of a line of conduct and the decision of problem situations, for achievement of internal balance and coordination with the social environment. Without satisfaction of these needs purposeful reasonable activity of the person is impossible. Therefore a degree of development of information needs and their satisfactions are closely connected to social activity of the person. As the data of sociological researches show, information needs in groups of an audience with the maximum degree of social activity are most intensively advanced and realized: members of elective bodies, public organizations, non-staff authors of mass-media, etc. It once again confirms the importance of inclusion of information needs in the number of criteria of efficiency of mass media their role in satisfaction of the population.
Thus it is necessary to distinguish concepts information needs and thematic interests of an audience. Information needs are social by the nature and they are also caused first of all by the maintenance, the structure of daily activity of the individual, including his objective characteristics professional and public work.
Thematic interests are the subjective reflection and the expression of information needs. They depend on the maintenance of the offered information and from situational social-psychological factors (such, as popularity, topical character, prestigiousness of the certain themes, persons, the phenomena, etc.). Not all the information needs are realized by the subject and are expressed in his thematic interests and communication behaviour; some of them remain not realized and consequently non-realized for the lack of necessary data, insufficiency of sources of the information, backwardness of communicative skills, etc.
As well as any other needs, information raises the activity of people. If they are not satisfied with the messages transferred by mass-media the audience or searches for the necessary information in other channels, or suppresses need for such information, and, hence, the activity in this sphere. Therefore it is important to know, how the satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) of the certain information needs can affect character and efficiency of daily activity of people, on their activity in various spheres of a public life. In fact the influence of radio and TV on public consciousness is measured not by number (or even quality) of pictures and ability of these means to induce a person or a social group to join in activity of a society at various levels – from a direct, nearest environment before social movements of a world scale.
The general tendency, which accompanies distribution of the urbanized way of life and introduction of general secondary education to our country, is the increasing of a variety of information needs, and the reference of the increasing part of the population to various mass media. On the one hand, it creates preconditions for increasing of system effectiveness of mass communications, and on another hand, requirements to the maintenance and efficiency of transmitted messages raise.
1. Stages of development of the Russian mass-media
1.1 Russian mass-media as the tool of democracy
Since the time of disintegration of the USSR in Russia people speak much about democracy in the country. But becoming of democracy in Russia experiences the complex period of formation. Perfection of methods of the state participation in economy, a guarantee of legitimate rights of subjects of managing, acceleration of social and spiritual development is necessary. It is especially actually because in new Russian statehood such democratic principles, as rights and personal freedoms, variety of patterns of ownership, division of authorities, the responsibility before people, multi-party system, a priority of the right and legality are incorporated. And one of three bases of functioning of the democratic state is independent mass media.
Initial Russian substantiations of necessity a free press amazingly resembled their American predecessors. It was considered, that the independent fourth authority will open and investigate potential abusing and «mistakes» of executive, legislative and judicial branches of authority. She should provide citizens with the full and objective information necessary for democratic self-management promote «clearing» of simple people from socialism, consolidate citizens of the country in support of the government during the time of the most difficult political and economic changes.
mass media authority intervention
1.2 The Russian law on mass-media of 1991
The law «About mass media», signed by President Yeltsin in two days after formal disintegration of Soviet Union in December, 1991, represented the version of the certain ideal in mutual relations of the state and mass-media. The law proclaimed revolutionary positions for that period: freedom of the mass information (free search, reception, manufacture and distribution of mass-media, free establishment of mass-media, possession, using and the order them, etc.), Inadmissibility of censorship, inadmissibility of the requirement at registration of mass-media of other documents, except for specified in the Law, are proclaimed rights on reception of the information and wide enough rights of the journalist. At the same time the new law defined a zone of national interest in formation of public consciousness. Inadmissibility of use of mass media with a view of fulfillment of penal acts, for disclosure of the state secret admitted, for an appeal to capture of authority, violent change constitutional building and integrity of the state, kindling of national, class, social, religious intolerance or break a set, for propagation of war.
One of the first independent newspapers became the newspaper «Direct speech». Its founders were young journalists from a regional newspaper. The newspaper widely represented becoming of parliamentary and legislature both on places, and at a federal level, and the newspaper was distributed in a few regions of the country.
In autumn 1994 the State Duma approved the bill of amendments and additions to a law in force, interfering federal and regional authorities to be founders of mass media, except for those of them who publish only official documents.
At the same time the hand of the state is appreciable in with what meanness it worries about a way of the organization editorial (basically newspaper) the enterprises. The law illustrates the concern even internal newspaper hierarchy. It is expressed in the requirement of the contract between the founder and the editor-in-chief, in the coordination of the rights and duties between the editor, the founder and journalists, in too much underground group of duties of the founder, the editor, edition, and journalists.
In summer 1994 the bill of the state support of mass media was developed. It aspired to resolve a lot of problems and needs of growing independent press. This law represented a cross between the American tradition of non-interference of the state in activity of mass media and practice of the Soviet past. This law entered the following changes:
Revolutions on realization of production of mass-media, editorial, publishing and polygraphist activity on manufacture of newspapers, magazines and production connected to formation, a science and culture were released from the VAT;
Editions were released from the profit tax regarding the federal budget and regarding, directed by them on financing incomes; the periodical press and book production, and also a paper, polygraphist materials and the equipment were released from the customs;
Editions of mass-media acquired the right to use post, telephone and cable communication under the tariffs stipulated for the budgetary organizations, pay a rent in the buildings being the federal property, under tariffs and the rates which are not exceeding cultures established for the organizations.
However, this law could not any more rescue the newspaper, which did not sustain the begun inflation. The financial need has quickly put a significant part of new private press on a side of existence and has made its more and more dependent from the governmental grants.
1.3 Disputes around the new law and returning of censorship
In 1992 the conflict around the distribution of authority in the society became deeper. The law of 1991 concerned mostly immunity of press from the governmental intervention. But disagreements inside the ruling building have shown disputes about the control over groups of interests, that the purpose of immunity is not achieved. The main center of struggle and political delimitation became redistribution of the control over mass media and especially the control over TV that as a result has led to storm of Ostankino. Fights for the control over mass media became sharper in 1992 and in the beginning of 1993. They were reflection of fatal enmity between the President and Parliament.
Yeltsin's decree «About guarantees of information stability and requirements to tele-and radio – broadcasting» on the one hand protected TV reporters, from another one; its aim was the compulsion of press to loyalty to the President, but not to Parliament. Minister of Press and information, Michael Fedorov, retired on August, 21, 1993, having accused in all mortal sins the parliamentary supervisory councils which, under his statement, have been already founded and have started to work everywhere in regions: «They have already distributed a broadcasting time. They solve, who can be shown, and who is not present. Lists of desirable and undesirable announcers … the Ultimate goal of this game consists of introduction of censorship of freedom and freedom of censorship». To one of principal causes of this hot opposition between the President and the Supreme Soviet in summer and autumn of 1993 became a question on the control over mass media. And though nobody meant, that the mass media are necessary for the construction of the democratic state as there was an ordinary struggle for the authority, invocations of all parties to a duty to protect freedom of press nevertheless were typical.
Signing by Yeltsin on September, 21 the decisions on the postponement of activity, and then and on dissolution of Parliament led to immediate introduction of censorship. At least ten newspapers were closed in Moscow after the events of the beginning of October, 1993, and at first all newspapers which have been obliged before the publication were exposed to censorship to represent the materials on check in the Government. Referring to the law on mass-media, on September, 23 Council of Ministers disposed about time closing additional number of mass-media, namely newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs of the Supreme Soviet. The shift from law to force was characterized by bloody fight in Ostankino, becoming one of last certificates of the conflict between the President and Parliament. To the television cameras, which showed the stages of route and destructions, were able to show as well, that the control proceeding from the law was only a thin veil under which the armed march, capture of the tower-transmitter or an arbitrariness of censorship were always ready to arise.
1.4 Strengthening the rights of mass-media and their restriction
After fight for Ostankino the condition reminding leadership of the right was restored. In January, 1994 the Governmental order «Questions of maintenance of the edition and distribution of mass media, production of polygraphist manufacture» was issued. For the development of pluralistic broadcast systems of Russia the important step was Yeltsin's order to license for a television announcement of the private company of NTV. Then, in 1994 the Law on the state support of mass media about which we spoke above was also developed.
However, despite of rhetorical independence, regular counteraction to growth of nongovernmental TV was observed though many years have passed after the disintegration of Soviet Union. In 1994 when the company of NTV began to threaten strongly to the domination of the Central TV in display of news, the Government has threatened to withdraw its license because of ostensibly unfavorable representation of Yeltsin’s military campaign in the Chechen Republic. In 2001 NTV closed, after it TV – 6 was also closed. It is possible to speak as much as necessary about the economic reasons of closing of these broadcasting companies, however the interest of authority in their absence in the information market was too obvious.
Many municipalities both local and regional received the channels or began to participate in the private channels organized as joint venture. Besides the government has disposed in spring 1994, that the state channels should have limited time given to the independent organizations for an announcement of their materials. On the market of advertising the manipulations directed on causing harm to small independent enterprises whereas large state channels increased number of advertising minutes. In this atmosphere the Agency of the USA on the international development has decided to carry out the program of support of independent TV, broadcasting and press of Russia in hope for that role which they can play in expansion and strengthening of democracy. The agency defined the purposes: Financial practical and politically independent nongovernmental sector of mass-media is the basic mechanism of maintenance of the responsibility of the democratic government for the actions; such sector is useful to maintenance of truthfulness of existing state mass-media, such sector protects freedom of press. The agency wanted to reduce the influence, which state could render on nongovernmental press due to the economic control over typographical capacities, distribution and information networks.
2. Mass-media in Russia after 2000
2.1 Role of the state in becoming mass-media