Контрольная работа: Множественное число в ангийском языке

4. Nowadays one-fifth of its population work in manufacturing; two-thirds work in service industries which include transportation, trade, finance and some others; and only 3% of the work force are employed in agriculture and produce wheat, tobacco, dairy products and so on.

What part of its population work in manufacturing nowadays?

5. As the result many American business firms established their Canadian branches, and now they supply the Canadian market.

Which business firms established their Canadian branches?

6. Its most important export partner is the US – its share in Canadian export is about 85%.

Its most important export partner is the US – its share in Canadian export is about 85%.

Who is its most important export partner?

7. Задайте один альтернативный и один разделительный вопрос к каждому из предложений

1. US share in Canadian export is 85%.

Американская доля в канадском экспорте составляет 85%.

Is US share in Canadian export 85% or 50%?

US share in Canadian export is 85%, isn’t it?

2. There are a lot of branches of American firms in Canada.

Есть много ответвлений американских фирм в Канаде.

Are there a lot of branches of American firms in Canada or just one?

There are a lot of branches of American firms in Canada, aren’t they?

3. The country has a market-oriented economic system.

В стране ориентированная на рынок экономическая система.

Does the country have a market-oriented or a rural economic system?

The country has a market-oriented economic system, right?

4. Canada is rich in mineral resources.

Канада богата полезными ископаемыми.

Is Canada rich in mineral resources or no?

Canada is rich in mineral resources, isn’t it?

5. Two-thirds of the population work in service industries.

Две трети населения работают в сфере услуг.

Do two-thirds of the population work in service industries or in agricultural industry?

Two-thirds of the population work in service industries, ok?

8. Выпишите из текста

а) все глаголы во времени Present Simple Active ;


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