Контрольная работа: Music history
serialism (Boulez);
electronic music (Stockhausen);
aleatoric music and indeterminacy (Cage) – the composer leaves a lot up to the performer. For example a composer might give each player in the band four different sheets of music. On the director's signal each player in the band could play any one of the four sheets of music, starting and stopping whenever he or she wished. Chance music is interesting because each performance is different. One important composer of chance music was John Cage. His Imaginary Landscape No.4, consists of 12 radios all playing at the same time, but all tuned to different stations;minimalism (Reich, Glass).
At the same time, the rediscovery of the past has resulted in an explosion of interest in the authentic music of past cultures. Similarly, the eclecticism of twentieth-century culture touches upon the growth of ethnomusicology and the perspectives it offers to studies of more traditional western music.
1. Griffiths, Paul. Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Music. N.p.: Thames and Hudson, 1986.
2. Grout, Donald Jay. A History of Western Music. New York: W.W. Norton, 1960–80. 3rd ed.
3. http://music.dartmouth.edu
4. http://www.hypermusic.ca
5. http://www.stevenestrella.com