Контрольная работа: Осуществление интеграции Украины в ЕС

Integration into the European Union will accelerate and will improve process of economic transformation in Ukraine which obviously was covered, and membership in EU will bring not only significant economic gains, but also will positively influence safety of the country.

In relations of with EU Ukraine hopes on:

- Consecutive support from EU and its countries-members in a question of connection of Ukraine to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade;

- The decision of questions concerning connection of Ukraine to separate European programs, particularly in the field of power, transport, science and technical equipment, preservation of the environment, education, etc.;

- Maintenance of not discriminative access of the basic goods of export of Ukraine to the markets of EU;

- Activization of the financial and technical help of the EU countries to Ukraine and etc.

Let's examine chances of Ukraine in a context of its integration into structures of the European Union.

Participants of the processes stipulated by the further development of EU, become the countries which economy of which answer precisely certain criteria. Candidates for members of EU should meet the common requirements accepted by the European Council in June, 1993 in Copenhagen. Each country which wishes to be accepted should finish ability to protect democracy and the law, realization of guarantees of human rights, protection of minorities. Besides presence of functioning market economy, and also ability to sustain pressure of the market forces inside of the union is obligatory. Membership demands from the candidate also to accept all obligations which follow from participation not only in economic, but also the currency and political union.

Today in Ukraine there is a crisis phenomena in national economy, absence of legal base brake its promotion on the way to market reforms. Behind present economic parameters Ukraine does not answer criteria of the European Union. We should still long try to approach West-European economic, political and social standards. But political factors in definition of prospects of the European integration will play today much more important role, than economic. And this should be an advantage, as it was made in due time by economically weak Bulgaria and Romania which have begun integration "around" - political by.

Anyway Ukraine has real prospects of development of relations with the European Union. Our country the first among former republics USSR that accepted the Agreement from EU about partnership and cooperation in March, 1994. And since March, 1st, 1998 the true agreement has got force. The agreement covers three spheres of interaction - political dialogue, economic and cultural cooperation.

Basic value of the true Agreement for Ukraine - a deepening of integration with the European and transatlantic structures. Through the European market we can receive the newest technologies by means of which we shall produce{make} production,

Competitive in the markets of the Europe, Asia, the CIS countries. It is necessary to consider, that the European market is from above 500 million potential consumers which have high solvency and where probably to find a niche for the Ukrainian commodity producers. An example can become the countries - former members the ROAR which for last 10 years could reorient the economy on close cooperation with EU.

On performance of the true Agreement by the Decree of the President of Ukraine from June, 11th, 1998 Strategy of integration of Ukraine to the European Union has been approved. This strategy definesthe basic directions of cooperation of Ukraine with the European Union and the basic priorities of activity of enforcement authorities for the period till 2007 during which the preconditions necessary for finding by Ukraine of a full membership in the European Union should be created.

Strategy of integration of Ukraine to EU should provide ocurrence of the state to European political, economic both legal space and reception on this basis of the status of the associated member of EU that is the main externally-political priority of Ukraine in intermediate term measurement.

During integration of Ukraine into economic space of the European Union there is a requirement of the decision of some specific targets " towards to the Europe ". The politician promotion of Ukrainian goods on European market is the first question.

Among the basic directions of integration process - economic integration and development of trade relations between Ukraine and EU. In economic cooperation the Agreement defines{determines} the broad audience of spheres for cooperation between the European Union and Ukraine. The purpose of it{this} is support of process of economic reforms and restoration and constant development of the Ukrainian economy. For these purposes the Agreement defines{determines} 28 areas in which the European Union and Ukraine wish to increase and expand the cooperation, among which the industry, protection and encouragements of investments, гірничовидобувна and the raw industry, a science and technics{technical equipment} and т.п..

Cooperation has already begun. So, for example, in sphere of economy the European experts{auditeurs} work with the Ukrainian colleagues on transfer of a know-how to sphere of management of the companies and industrial and agricultural technology. In the field of a science and formation{education} the exchange scientific workers, teachers and students is organized and the general{common} projects take root. Cooperation in areas of management develops in such spheres as customs business and struggle against criminality, is spent an exchange of documents between a management{manual} in such technical spheres as standardization and statistics. The significant sums of financial grants are allocated for improvement of nuclear safety and on the decision of the problems connected with consequences{investigations} of Chernobyl failure{accident}.

But still much can be made. Advice{council} from cooperation fulfils recommendations concerning the further development of cooperation in all these spheres. The European Union and Ukraine have agreed, that the special attention will be given to those actions which can assist cooperation of Ukraine with the next states.

The European Union and its{his} states-members will play a significant role in granting the financial and technical help to Ukraine. The European Union is the main international donor of Ukraine which for the period of 1991-1997 has given to the help for a total sum 4061 million экюin the form of the technical help, export credits, loans and гуманітрно the help. On its{his} share it is necessary third of total amount of direct foreign investments. EU acts as the trading partner of Ukraine second behind size which is advanced only by Russia.

Significant event in attitudes{relations} of Ukraine with the European Union became acceptance of the general{common} strategy of the European Union concerning Ukraine which took place on next самміті EU on December, 11th, 1999 in Helsinki. The accepted strategy of EU concerning Ukraine - the document which expands frameworks of the Agreement on partnership and cooperation of both parties{sides}, передовсім in the field of foreign policy and safety, justice, internal affairs. It{she} acts as the new tool of attitudes{relations} between Ukraine and EU.

The document defines{determines} such strategic purposes of

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