Контрольная работа: по английскому языку 2 ИЗО ГУУ г. Москва
Специальность Бухгалтерский учет и аудит
Курс 1-й
Группа БуиА-6-99/2
Студент Д.В.Шабельников
Студенческий билет №
Адрес |
« » декабря 2000г.
____________________/ /
Москва 2000г.
Задание №1.
Перепишите предложение, подчеркните причастия, укажите их функцию. Переведите предложения письменно.
1. The sales manager showed us the list of goods exported by the company
2. Inform us as soon as possible when you intend to deliver the goods ordered
3. Not receiving letters from her, he sent a telegram
4. When asked to take part in the talks, he agreed at once
5. I have just bought a book containing information about taxation
6. Being a foreigner, she couldn’t get used to the life in this country.
Задание №2.
Перепишите предложения, выбрав верный вариант сказуемого. Определите его время и залог.
1. When he arrived in the city the bridge across the river _________________
a) was still being built
b) was still built
c) has still been built
2. Every year the lectures of the Professor ________________ with great interest/
a) had been listened to
b) are being listened to
c) are listened to
3. The automatic devices ____________________ by the end of the last month.
a) had been installed
b) have been installed
c) are installed