Контрольная работа: Ukraine. The long road to independence
Embassy – посольство, місія;
To convoke – скликати;
Tsar – цар;
Participant – учасник;
To vow fidelity – присягати на вірність;
Consent – згода;
Treaty – угода.
4. Questions
1. When did Ukraine appear on the map of the world?
2. When did the ancestors of Ukrainians choose this land to live?
3. Which lands did Kyivska Rus include?
4. When did a cave monastery spring up?
5. When did the Tatar-Mongols capture Kyiv?
6. What did Cossack armies do to liberate Ukraine?
7. Who was Kyivo-Mohylyanska Academy founded by?
8. Who was the first President of Ukraine?
9. What does the word «Cossack» mean?
10. Where did they live?
11. Who was the leader of Cossacks?
12. Were the Cossacks brilliant horsemen?
13. Are there any Cossack regiments now?
14. When was the war of independence of the Ukrainians?
15. Who appealed to Russia for help?
16. Who headed Russian embassy?
17. What can you tell about March articles?
5. Answer the Questions
1) Ukraine appeared on the map of the world in 1991.
2) The ancestors of Ukrainians chose this land to live during the Trypilsky period several thousand years ago.
3) Kyivska Rus included Kyiv, Novgorod, Chernihov, Galich, Polotsk, Smolensk, Rostov, Suzdal and later Moscow.