Контрольная работа: Задания для контрольной работы по английскому языку

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She's 14, American, and speaks no French at all. But six-foot-tall Kimora Lee Perkins is hot news in Paris. She has become the top model at the Parisian fashion house of Chanel.

She owes her remarkable looks to a Korean mother and a black father. But when she was young, back home in St. Louis, Missouri, she cried when she looked in the mirror and saw how nil she was. "I felt I was different from all the other kids my age", she explains. Her mother- Joanne Perkins, 34, recalls, "Kimora was a tormented child. It was almost impossible for her to relate to other girls of her age, and there was a lot of teasing. Growing up was a very painful experience for her".

When she was 11, her mother took her to a local modeling school. She thought modeling would be an interesting job because then she would be with other tall girls. She began to like it very much, and had to learn how to walk and pose to show off the clothes to their best advantage.

Chanel chose her because "she has the look of the 90s", and now she spends eight to ten hours a day modeling their latest fashions in various parts of the world. "I have to try really hard to keep looking good for the cameras", she said.

"People think it's a very easy job that anyone could do, but you need a lot of stamina," Kimora says. "Once, in London, we had to take photos in the street all through the night, and then I had to go to my tutor for school lessons at 9.00 a.m. before taking the daytime photos at 1.00pm".

She is not only the youngest top model; she is also one of the richest. "Mom looks after that." Kimora explains, "I don't even have a credit card — I'm too young!"

What advice does she have for others? "You should go to a good modeling school, and you have to be prepared to work really hard and give your whole life to modeling."

Письменно ответьте на вопросы:

1.Why did Chanel choose Kimora? What did she think about it?

2. Is modeling an easy job?

3. Does she look after her money herself? Why or why not?

1. Chanel chose Kimora because "she had the look of 90s". Kimora thinks that she has to try really hard to keep looking good for the cameras.

2. Kimora doesn't think that modeling is an easy job. Some people guess that it is
easy and anyone could do it but in fact you need a lot of stamina to be a model.

3. Kimora is one of the richest models. But in spite of that she doesn't look after her
money. Her mother does it. Kimora is too young to have a credit card.

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Ей 14 лет, она американка и совсем не говорит по-французски. Но Кимора Ли Перкинс, чей рост составляет 6 футов - одна из самых горячих новостей Парижа. Она стала топ моделью парижского дома моды «Шанель».

Она получила свою примечательную внешность от матери кореянки и темнокожего отца. Но когда она была совсем юной, дома в Сент-Луисе, Миссури, она плакала, когда смотрелась в зеркало и видела, какая она высокая. «Я чувствовала, что я отличаюсь от всех детей моего возраста», объясняет она. Ее мать Джоанн Перкинс, 34-х лет, вспоминает: «Кимора была измученным (несчастным) ребенком. Для нее было почти невозможно общаться с девочками ее возраста, ее часто дразнили. Взросление для нее стало очень болезненным опытом».

Когда ей было 11, ее мама отвела ее в местную модельную школу. Она считала , что показ мод будет интересной работой, поскольку там она будет с другими высокими девочками. Ей это стало очень нравиться, и ей пришлось научиться правильно ходить и позировать, чтобы показывать одежду в самом выгодном ракурсе.

Переведите на английский язык:

1)— Я еду во Францию по делам.

Желаю вам всяческих успехов. Позвоните мне, когда вернетесь.

2)— Я пришел по вашему объявлению. Я хочу снять квартиру с двумя спальнями.

—У нас есть несколько квартир с двумя спальнями.

—Они со всеми удобствами?

—Да, конечно. Квартиры вполне комфортабельные.

—Когда я могу их посмотреть?


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