Курсовая работа: Анализ творчества Бэрримена
Impassive and scant, belie their murderous cries...” [Berryman, 7, 17, 129-137].
“Forswearing it otherwise, they starch their minds.
Folkmoots, and blether, blether. Jhon Cotton rakes
To the synod of Cambridge.
Down from my body my legs flow,
Out from it arms wave, on it my head shakes.
Now Mistress Hutchinson rings forth a call –
Should she? many creep out a broken wall –
Affirming the Holy Ghost
Dwells in one justified. Fictioning passion blinds...” [Berryman, 7, 24, 185-193].
Рифма в стихотворении неточная (то есть совпадают отдельные звуки в окончании стихов), простая (рифмуются отдельные слова):
“Beloved household, I am Simon’s wife,
and the mother of Samuel – whom greedy yet I miss
out of his kicking place.
More in some ways I feel at a loss,
Freer. Cantabanks and mummers, nears
Longing for you. Our chopping scores my ears,
Our costume bores my eyes.
St.George to the good sword, rise! chop-logic’s rife
And fever and Satan and Satan’s ancient fere.” [Berryman, 7, 22, 169-177].
Автор использует смежную (парную) рифмовку, когда рифмуются соседние строки:
“So squeezed, wince you I scream? I love you and hate
off with you. Ages! Useless. Below my waist
he has me in Hell’s vise.
Stalling. He let go. Come back: brace...” [Berryman, 7, 19, 145-148].
“Forswearing it otherwise, they starch their minds.
Folkmoots, and blether, blether. Jhon Cotton rakes...” [Berryman, 7, 24, 185-187].
В стихотворении автор часто использует аллюзии, символы и аллегории:
“... which Time and he and man abhor, foresaw: