Курсовая работа: Complex composite sentence

Predicative clauses sometimes function as objective predicatives, as in You'll make her what you like, she is pliable enough. (Braddon).

b) Object Clauses

They are introduced by the same conjunctions and connective pronouns as subject and predicative clauses. They are often joined to their principal clauses asyndetically.

Object subordinate clauses may be either prepositionless or prepositional.

Now tell me what happened at the meeting. (Shaw).

Cusins. Barbara: I am going to accept this offer.

Barbara: I thought you would. (lb.).

I was thinking of what the Third Reich had done and said so. (Snow).

An object clause (like an object in a simple sentence) may be preceded by the anticipatory object it as in I think it very significant that he refused to communicate with the Sheltons. (Braddon).

The usual place of an object clause ij after the principal clause, though it may be placed before the principal clause for the purpose of connecting two thoughts, the object clause denoting something familiar, mentioned previously, what we proceed from.

Why he declined that offer I can't tell. (Black).

Whether she had been wise in this she was utterly unable to decide. (Galsworthy).

c) Adverbial Clauses

Adverbial clauses serve to express a variety of adverbial relations and, consequently, they are introduced by» a great number of subordinating conjunctions. Asyndetic subordination is not typical of adverbial clauses (barring those of condition) since it is mainly the conjunction that differentiates one kind of adverbial clause from another.

Cf. When he was young… Though he was young… Because he was young…

Of the three types of adverbial complements – qualitative, quantitative and circumstantial – adverbial clauses mostly function as the last mentioned, as adverbials of situation or external conditions.

However, we take issue with L.S. Barkhudarov and D.A. Shteling over their statement that adverbial clauses are used exclusively as adverbial complements of external conditions.

The very examples they produce contradict this statement.

In the sentence Mike acted as though nothing had happened (Hemingway) the adverbial clause shows how he acted, in what manner he acted. Consequently, it shows the inner nature of the action, its quality.

The meaning of manner is mostly interwoven with that of comparison.

All hovels should serve it and love it as he did. (Randall).

Adverbial clauses may occupy different places in the complex sentence. They occur before their principal clause, after it, and even within it, which shows that the position of adverbial clauses (like that of adverbial complements in simple sentences) is less fixed and rigid than that of other subordinate clauses functioning as secondary parts.

E. g. I advise you, if you cherish your private life, not to let him frighten you. (Randall).

If he had glanced upwards, he would never have suspected that she was the grim bluestocking he awaited, (lb.).

You'll get along too if you take us as you find us. (lb.).

In accordance with their relations to the principal clause, mostly expressed by the conjunction or connective pronoun they are introduced by, adverbial clauses are classified into those of place (introduced by where, wherever), time (introduced by when, while, till, until, as, since, before, after, once, as soon as, etc.), cause (conjunctions – because, as, since) purpose (conjunctions – that, so that, in order that, lest), condition (conjunctions – if, in case, provided, unless, suppose, supposing), concession (conjunctions – though, although, as, conjunctive pronouns whatever, whoever, whichever), manner, or comparison (conjunctives–as if, as though).

He trudged doggedly on until he reached the flat. (Dreiser).

Because Carrie was pretty, the gentleman selected her photo, (lb.).

Madame Lamotte would see, if Annette didn't. (Galsworthy).

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