Курсовая работа: Equivalents of gerund are in Russian translation
being nice-ласковее
of flowering-цветущий
in thinking-любопытный
The gerund as деепричастие
Jumping – вспрыгнув
looking up-бросиввзгляд
pushing away-поставив
The aim of my paper was the analysis and translation of gerunds. As you see it was difficult for the translator of C.S.Lewis’ book to present us the gerund as it was used in the book. The translator and we don’t know what C.S.Lewis wanted to say using the gerund. Perhaps, he used gerund so because the grammar rules demanded or it was easy to apply the gerund in this or that situation. I would translate the gerund as our translator did because it suited to Russian equivalents, situation, words etc. If the context demands the changes in the translation because it doesn’t sound good in Russian, why not apply the translation, which is far from the original. One shouldn’t abuse a free translation, because the reader might not understand a general or main point of the book.
As you see C.S.Lewis used himself the gerund frequently after the prepositions.
There are only five Passive gerunds in the whole two books.
If the translator followed the rules, the translation should be awkward and in understandable for reader. You know, there is no rule without exception and the translator often used such exceptions.
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