Курсовая работа: Independent work of students on practical employments

Teachers and parent-teachers can't go it alone. They need good materials to assist them. With good materials students will work independently and will persist at their work. With good materials your teaching task is manageable.

It is virtually impossible to individualize instruction without individualized learning materials. Having students work on their own is a hallmark of individualized instruction.

Section I provides background. Section II makes suggestions about how teachers can best manage students' independent work. Section III provides lists of available independent-learning materials. Section IV is a list of the publishers referred in Section III.


Section I

1. Background: Principles of Teaching Two Kinds of Assignments

2. Assigned School Work: Part of a Continuum?

3. Mastery: Is It Practical?

4. School Work: Do Students See It as Purposeful?

5. Asking Students Questions

6. Whole Class Instruction: Is It Out of Date?

Section II

1. Strategies for Managing Students' Independent Work

2. Choosing Work According to the Curriculum

3. Test Often, Test Widely

4. Keeping a Studious Classroom

5. Obtaining Student Commitment to Independent Work

6. Providing for Student Management of Classroom Materials

7. Choosing Learning Materials for the Independent Learner:

8. Using Trade Books

9. Using Workbooks/Kits/Centers

10. Using software

11. Using the Internet/On-line Services

12. Sending Independent-Study Work Home

Section III

1. Learning Materials for Independent Learners

2. Learning to Use Computers/Using Computers

3. Foreign Languages

4. Language Arts/Reading/Literature

5. Library/Work/Study Skills/Research


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