Курсовая работа: Информационно-аналитическая система Казанского вокзала


i = 1


i = i + 1

If Sheets(3).Cells(i, 1) = "" Then

r = i - 1

Exit Do

End If


For z = 2 To j

For x = 2 To r

If Sheets(3).Cells(x, 1).Text = Sheets(1).Cells(z, 1).Text And _

Sheets(3).Cells(x, 3).Text = Sheets(1).Cells(z, 2).Text Then

If Sheets(3).Cells(x, 4).Text = "A" Then

a = a + 1

ElseIf Sheets(3).Cells(x, 4).Text = "B" Then

b = b + 1

ElseIf Sheets(3).Cells(x, 4).Text = "C" Then

c = c + 1


d = d + 1

End If

End If

Next x

For t = 2 To l

If Sheets(2).Cells(t, 1).Text = Sheets(1).Cells(z, 1).Text Then

y = a * Sheets(2).Cells(t, 2).Value + b * Sheets(2).Cells(t, 3).Value + _

c * Sheets(2).Cells(t, 4).Value + d * Sheets(2).Cells(t, 5).Value

End If

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