Курсовая работа: Intercultural communication of Russian and English languages

During the Second World War English language enriched with such words as: stormovik (штурмовик), partisan (партизан), Yak (самолет – як).

Russian borrowings played a great role in the perfection of contemporary philosophic and political terminology of many countries, including English.

Also, during the Soviet period English language was penetrated by such new phraseologisms as: hero of labour (геройтруда), socialist construction (социалистическоестроительство), indestructible moral-political unity (нерушимоеморально-политическоеединство), vital interests of the people (жизненныеинтересынарода), reclamation of virgin and unused lands (освоениецелинныхизалежныхземель).

2.3.5 The fifth period

The first Russian word which was borrowed in this period was the word “glasnost”[11] that was used in English since 1986. It was registered in the dictionary of neologisms as “the willingness of the Soviet government to be more open about its affairs” (Longman Guardian New Words Ed. By S.Mort – Bristol, 1986). During the process of assimilation the word “glasnost” formed new word “preglasnost”. This fact proves that this word became widespread in English vocabulary.

In 1987 the word “perestroika” penetrated into English word-stock. It is often used in the meaning of restructuring or economic reform.

The pages of English newspapers became full of such words as: novoe muishleniye, democratizatsia[12] , hozyaschot[13] , gospreyomka.

The Canadian communistic newspaper wrote the following about the word democratizatsia: Democratizatsia… does not mean the same thing as its English equivalent – democratization. In fact the Soviet concept of democracy is quite different and may turn out to be far more comprehensive and liberating («Canadian Tribune», 1988).

The word hozraschot was often replaced by “cost-accounting” or “self-management” which served to exaggerate the independency of enterprises in USSR.

The mass media: newspapers, TV, radio, advertising and Internet help to popularize new concepts in the new lexical system. For example: “The second section of the Druzhba oil pipeline … (1971 Novosti Press Agency Publishing House Moscow) (Втораясекциянефтепровода «Дружба»…). Here the word “Дружба” penetrates into English without translation as a proper name and at the same time with the opened inner meaning-form. As the recognition of Russian ballet the word-combination Bolshoy ballet got into English without translation.


During the study of intercultural communication of Russian and English languages it became clear that the process of new words’ borrowing occur within the specific range of social or political events. So the history of the country has a great influence upon the history of the language. All events in the history such as: wars, revolutions, trade, economical and political contacts, new inventions and many others always have a definite reflection in the lexical system of a language.

As it was mentioned in the work there is always a risk of inappropriate usage of new words. Hence, the topicality of this investigation lies in the consideration of the problems which are connected with the theory and practice of borrowings and it is very actual for nowadays.

In this course project I have made the classification of loan-words which includes: direct borrowings, hybrids, calques, half-calques, exotisms, foreign lingual spots, composites and jargonisms. Besides there are some other classifications: according to the system-defined relations and according to the time period of borrowing the word.

English-Russian lingual intercommunication attracts the strong investigators’ interest aimed on the investigation of the whole layer of loan-words.

In general the layer of foreign terminology presents itself a significant linguistic phenomenon the role of which in both English and Russian is very essential.

The general rule of the system character of the language phenomena in application to a problem of loan-words can be formulated, consequently, as follows: any change in dictionary of any language by means of new words’ penetration into another language entails semantic or stylistic changes in original words already available in language and shifts in synonymic groups.

Word - is a conductor of thoughts, feelings and ideas. The word is capable to tell much of history of people which have met on the historical way of any nation.

But the phenomenon of new words appearance presents a very complicated problem and we can’t deny the significant role of the mass media. In our modern life we are permanently connected with it. Mass media brings “high speed circulation” into our life. There are many purposes, which can be achieved by the press. It enriches our knowledge and broadens our outlook. The press shapes public opinion, influences governmental policy, gives citizens a view of our country and foreign countries as well. It performs a few functions: informative, entertaining, commercial, and is addressed to people of different political views and different stations in life. What is printed and what is not, largely depends on the publishers’ concert of news. The most number of up-to-date things we usually hear or read by means of mass media. In this way, new concepts come into our life. The speed of foreign words’ penetration became faster within the development of mass media. It becomes obvious if we look through the classification of the periods when the borrowings were made.

The problem of loan-words’ translation presents a great interest to the translators of all languages, because there are some difficulties in choosing the most appropriate equivalent to the corresponding item. This aspect may have a different effect on the future usage of the chosen nomination and presents the great responsibility for the translator.

This problem also presents an interesting subject to the students which learn foreign language professionally in order to avoid the possibility of making the mistake while translating some articles or speeches.

List of literature

1. М.А.Брейтер «Англицизмы в русском языке: история и перспективы», Владивосток: издательство «Диалог», 1995.

2. Г.О.Винокур «Заметки по русскому словообразованию», Москва 1996.

3. Л.П.Крысин «Иноязычные слова в современной жизни. Русский язык конца XX столетия», Москва, 1996.

4. Э.А.Бурова «Лексические галлицизмы в современном русском языке», Ростов-на-Дону, 2004.

5. А.И.Дьяков «Причины интенсивного заимствования англицизмов в современном русском языке», Новосибирск, издательство «Язык и культура», 2003.

6. М.П.Алексеев «Английский язык в России и русский язык в Англии» Серия филологических наук, 1974.

7. В.Д.Аракин «История английского языка», издательство «Просвещение», 1985.

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