Курсовая работа: Конкатенація строк Assembler

LOCAL hOutPut :DWORD ;handle of output

LOCAL nRead1 :DWORD ;number of bytes read

LOCAL nRead2 :DWORD ;the same

invoke GetStdHandle, STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE

mov hOutPut, eax

invoke WriteConsole, hOutPut, offset strType1, 24d, NULL, NULL

invoke GetStdHandle, STD_INPUT_HANDLE

mov hInput, eax

invoke ReadConsole, hInput, ADDR str1, 64d, ADDR nRead1, NULL

invoke WriteConsole, hOutPut, offset strType2, 25d, NULL, NULL

invoke ReadConsole, hInput, ADDR str2, 64d, ADDR nRead2, NULL

invoke strCat, offset buff, offset str1

invoke strCat, offset buff, offset str2

xor eax, eax

invoke szLen, offset buff

mov nRead2, eax

invoke WriteConsole, hOutPut, offset strResult, 31d, NULL, NULL

invoke WriteConsole, hOutPut, offset buff, nRead2, NULL, NULL


string endp

strCat proc lpszSource:DWORD, lpszAdd:DWORD

push edi

invoke szLen, lpszSource

mov edi, lpszSource

mov ecx, lpszAdd

add edi, eax ; set write starting position

xor edx, edx ; zero index

xor eax, eax ; avoid stall with following AL reads and writes

mov [edi-2], byte ptr 20h

К-во Просмотров: 433
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