Курсовая работа: Machine Translation

Старшее Ближневосточное военное должностное лицо сведений{интеллекта} показало на прошлой неделе, что британские чиновники{офицеры} подверглись обучению как часть программы сотрудничества с Египтом, который начал после 11 сентября нападения на Америку в 2001 и продолжался до прошлого года.

Детали не были показаны, но это, как полагают, включило инструкцию в специализированные методы допроса и в терминологию, используемую террористами, которые позволят агентам понять проверенные телефонные беседы.


Египет готовил British MI5 и агентов MI6 в как, чтобы бороться террористов Islamic, подчеркивающих Каир растущего значения в войну против террора и мирный процесс Среднего Востока.

Старший Средний Восточный военный чиновник разведки обнаруживал прошлую неделю, которую Британские должностные лица подверглись подготовку как часть программы сотрудничества с Египтом, который начинался после Сентябрьские 11 атак в Америке в 2001 и продолженной до прошлого года.

Детали не обнаружены, но поверено включенная инструкция в specialised методах опроса и в терминологии использованной террористами, которые позволят, чтобы понимать проверенную телефонную беседу.


Египет обучает Британский MI5 и агенты MI6 в том, как бороться с Мусульманскими террористами, подчеркивая Cаiro’s, дорастающий важность война против террора и процесса мира Ближнего Востока.

Ответственный Средний Восточный военный работник сведений, показанный на последней неделе, что Британские офицеры имели undergone обучение, так как часть программы сотрудничества с Египтом, который начался после 11 сентября, нападает на Америке в 2001 и длительный пока прошлый год.

Детали не были показаны, но это, как полагается, включало инструкцию в speciаlised методах допроса и в терминологии, используемой террористами, которые предоставят возможность агентам понять контролируемые телефонные беседы.

Internet machine translator www.tranexp.com:

Египетский вспомогательный глагол для образования сложных времен быть воспитывать Британский MI 5 и MI 6 действующая сила в как к бой Мусульманский террорист, подчеркивать Пирамида из камней рост значительность к грамматический определенный член война от ужас и грамматический определенный член Середина Восток мир процесс. ВЫСШАЯ ОТМЕТКА ЗА КЛАССНУЮ РАБОТУ старший Середина Восточный военный ум служебный открывать последний неделя тот Британский чиновник вспомогательный глагол для образования сложных времен испытывать грамматический определенный член воспитывать как часть яние) от высшая отметка за классную работу co - действие программа с Египетский тот начинать за грамматический определенный член Сентябрь 11 атаковать на Американский в 2001 и непрерывный до прошлый год. Подробность вспомогательный глагол для образования сложных времен не быть открывать, только он быть верить к вспомогательный глагол для образования сложных времен заключать обучение в специализация вопрос техника и в грамматический определенный член терминология употребление у террорист, который воля давать возможность или право действующая сила к понимать наставник телефон разговор.

Literary translation :

Египет обучал агентов пятого и шестого отделов Британской военной разведки методам борьбы с исламскими террористами, тем самым, подчеркнув растущую значимость Каира в мирном процессе на Ближнем Востоке и борьбе с террором.

Старшее должностное лицо Ближневосточной военной разведки обнародовал секретные данные о том, что Британские офицеры прошли курс подготовки в качестве части программы сотрудничества с Египтом, которая началась вскоре после атак на Америку 11 сентября 2001 года и продолжалась до прошлого года.

Детали не разглашались, однако считается, что они прошли курс обучения специальным техникам допроса и терминологии используемой террористами, который позволит агентам расшифровывать перехваченные телефонные разговоры.

No doubt that the most appropriate translation was made by "Promt", but still its producer Russian company "ПРОектМТ" shouldn't stop on achieved.

Machine Translation and Internet

The impact of the Internet has been significant in recent years. We are already seeing an accelerating growth of real-time on-line translation on the Internet itself. In recent years, we have seen many systems designed specifically for the translation of Web pages ("Pop-Up Dictionary", "Site Translator") and of electronic mail ("SKIIN"). The demand for immediate translations will surely continue to grow rapidly, but at the same time users are also going to want better results. There is clearly an urgent need for translation systems developed specifically to deal with the kind of colloquial (often wrongly formed and badly spelled) messages found on the Internet. The old linguistics rule-based approaches are probably not equal to the task on their own, and corpusbased methods making use of the massive data available on the Internet itself are obviously appropriate. But as yet there has been little research on such systems. At the same time as we are seeing this growing demand for "crummy" translations, the Internet is also providing the means for more rapid delivery of quality translation to individuals and to small companies. A number of machine translation systems on the sale are already offering translation services, usually "adding value" by human post-editing. More will surely appear as the years go by.

However, the Internet is having further profound impacts that will surely change the future prospects for machine translation. There are predictions that the stand-alone PC with its array of software for word-processing, databases and games will be replaced by Network Computers which would download systems and programs from the Internet at any time as required. In this scenario, the one-off purchase of individually packaged machine translation software or dictionaries would be replaced by remote stores of machine translation programs, dictionaries, grammars, translation archives or specialized glossaries which would obviously be paid for according to usage. It is should be to said, that such a change would have profound effect on the way in which machine translation systems are developed.

Another profound impact of the Internet will concern the nature of the software itself. What users of Internet services are seeking is information in whatever language it may have been written or stored. Users will want a seamless integration of information retrieval, extraction and summarization systems with translation

In fact, it is possible that in next years there will be fewer "pure" machine translation systems (commercial or on-line) and many more computer-based tools and applications in which automatic translation is just one component. As a first step, it will surely not be long before all word-processing software includes translation as an in-built option. Integrated language software will be the norm not only for the multinational companies but also available and accessible for anyone from their own computer (desktop, laptop, notebook or network-based server) and for any device like television or mobile telephone which interfacing with computer networks.

Spoken Language Translation

The most widely anticipated development of the next decade must be that of speech translation. When current research projects (ATR, C-STAR, JANUS, Verbmobil) were begun in the late 1980s and early 1990s, it was known that practical applications were unlikely before the next century. The limitation of these systems to small domains has clearly been essential for any progress, such are the complexities of the task; but these limitations mean that, when practical demonstrations are made, observers will want to know when broader coverage will be realizable. There is a danger here that the mistakes of the 1950s and 1960s might be repeated; then, it was assumed that once basic principles and methods had been successfully demonstrated on small-scale research systems it would be merely a question of finance and engineering to create large practical systems. The truth was otherwise; large-scale machine translation systems have to be designed as such from the beginning, and that requires many man-years of effort. It is still true to say that the best written-language machine translation systems of today are the outcome of decades of research and development.

Whatever the high expectations, it is surely unlikely that we will see practical speech translation of significantly large domains for commercial exploitation for another twenty years or more. Far more likely, and in line with general trends within the field of written language machine translation, is that there will be numerous applications of spoken language translation as components of small-domain natural language applications, e.g. interrogation of databases (particularly financial and stockmarket data), interactions in business negotiations or intra-company communication.

Machine and Human Translation

In the past there has often been tension between the translation profession and those who advocate and research computer-based translation tools. But now at the beginning of the 21-st century it is already apparent that machine translation and human translation can and will co-exist in relative harmony. Those skills which the human translator can contribute will always be in demand.

Where translation has to be of "publishable" quality, both human translation and machine translation perform their roles. Machine translation is demonstrably cost-effective for large scale and/or rapid translation of (boring) technical documentation, (highly repetitive) software localization manuals, and many other situations where the costs of machine translation plus essential human preparation and revision or the costs of using computerized translation tools are significantly less than those of traditional human translation with no computer aids. By contrast, the human translator is (and will remain) unrivalled for non-repetitive linguistically sophisticated texts (in literature or law), and even for one-off texts in specific highly-specialized technical subjects.

For the translation of texts where the quality of output is much less important, machine translation is often an ideal solution. For example, to produce "rough" translations of scientific and technical documents that may be read by only one person who wants to find out only the general content and information and is unconcerned whether everything is intelligible or not, and who is certainly not discouraged by stylistic awkwardness or grammatical errors, machine translation will increasingly be the only appropriate decision. In general, human translators are not prepared (and may resent being asked) to produce such "rough" translations. In such a case the only alternative to machine translation is no translation at all.

However, as I have already mentioned, greater familiarity with "crummy" translations will inevitably stimulate demand for the kind of good quality translations which only human translators can satisfy.

For the one-to-one interchange of information, there will probably always be a role for the human translator, that is for the translation of business correspondence (particularly if the content is sensitive or legally binding). But for the translation of personal letters, machine translation systems are likely to be increasingly used; and, for e-mail and for the extraction of information from Web pages and computer-based information services, machine translation is the only feasible solution.

As for spoken translation, there must surely always be a place for the human translator. There can be no prospect of automatic translation replacing the interpreter of diplomatic negotiations.

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