Курсовая работа: Переклад суспільно-політичних реалій (на основі перекладу статей з газети Нью-Йорк Таймс)

To qualify for the funds, countries must demonstrate, in the president's words, that they are "ruling justly, investing in their people, and establishing economic freedom."

The administration will use 16 independent indicators, many of them from outside government, to measure the merits of a candidate.

For example, a private organization like Transparency International could rate the applicants on corruption; the World Bank Institute, on rule of law; Freedom House, on political rights; and the Heritage Foundation, on trade policy.

"It's pretty rigorous," said Alan P. Larson, the State Department's top economics official, who is running the account until the president's expected nominee, Paul Applegarth, is confirmed. Mr. Larson noted that the board would use indexes that were publicly available.

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