Курсовая работа: Розрахунок норм вектору
if fl then begin
for nowCharCode: =65 to 67 do
newItem: =operList. Items. Add;
newItem. Caption: =char (nowCharCode);
newItem. SubItems. Add ('Matrix');
// ------------------------
new (nowEl);
nowEl^. typeOf: =matr;
ziroMatr (nowEl^. mt);
nowEl^. strName: =char (nowCharCode);
mainList. Add (nowEl);
// ------------------------
operList. Enabled: =true;
// =========================================
for nowCharCode: =88 to 89 do
newItem: =operList. Items. Add;
newItem. Caption: =char (nowCharCode);
newItem. SubItems. Add ('Vector');
// ------------------------
new (nowEl);
nowEl^. typeOf: =vect;
ziroVect (nowEl^. vt);
nowEl^. strName: =char (nowCharCode);
mainList. Add (nowEl);
// ------------------------
operList. Enabled: =true;