Курсовая работа: Розрахунок норм вектору
fl: boolean;
actionArr: array [1. maxAct] of 0.5;
indexArr: array [1. maxAct+1] of 0.60;
sizeOfAction,act: 0.2;
opers: array [1.2] of matrRecLink;
filePath: string [255];
f: file of matrRec;
newItem: TListItem;
uses Unit3;
{$R *. dfm}
procedure TmatrEditor. Button2Click (Sender: TObject);
newItem: =operList. Items. Add;
newItem. Caption: =char (nowCharCode);
newItem. SubItems. Add ('Vector');
// ------------------------
new (nowEl);
nowEl^. typeOf: =vect;
ziroVect (nowEl^. vt);
nowEl^. strName: =char (nowCharCode);
mainList. Add (nowEl);
// ------------------------
nowCharCode: =nowCharCode+1;
// ------------------------
operList. Enabled: =true;
procedure TmatrEditor. FormCreate (Sender: TObject);
var newItem: TListItem;