Курсовая работа: Создание базы данных "Стадионы города" на языке C

printf ("You have chosen record: \n");

prin_head ();

prin (num-1);

printf ("Enter new Name stadium (no more 15 symbols): ");

scanf ("%s",temp. Name);

strupr (temp. Name);

do {

printf ("Enter new Date of construction: ");

scanf ("%d",&temp. D_cr);

} while ( (temp. D_cr<1) || (temp. D_cr> (T->tm_year+1900)));

do {

printf ("Enter new Sapacity of stadium: ");

scanf ("%d",&temp. Sapacity);

} while (temp. Sapacity<1);

do {

printf ("Enter new Amount platforms (no more 10): ");

scanf ("%d",&temp. C_pl);

} while (temp. C_pl<1||temp. C_pl>10);

for (i=0; i<temp. C_pl; i++) {

printf ("Enter new sport%d (no more 15 symbols): ", i+1);

scanf ("%s",temp. N_sp [i]);

strupr (temp. N_sp [i]);


printf ("Do you want change record? (Y\\N) \n");

if ( (getch () =='y') || (getch () =='Y')) {

strcpy (s [num-1]. Name,temp. Name);

s [num-1]. D_cr=temp. D_cr;

s [num-1]. Sapacity=temp. Sapacity;

s [num-1]. C_pl=temp. C_pl;

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