Курсовая работа: Списки стеки очереди в C

value = (*headPtr)->data;

tempPtr = *headPtr;

*headPtr = (*headPtr)->nextPtr;

if (*headPtr == NULL) *tailPtr = NULL;

free(tempPtr); return value; }

int isEmpty(QUEUENODEPTR headPtr) {

return headPtr == NULL; }

void printQueue(QUEUENODEPTR currentPtr) {

if (currentPtr == NULL)

printf("Queue is empty.\n\n"); else {

printf("The queue is :\n");

while (currentPtr != NULL) {

cout<< currentPtr->data<<"-->";

currentPtr = currentPtr->nextPtr; }

printf("NULL\n\n"); }


При виконанні програми можливі результати:

Enter your choice:

1 to add an item to the queue

2 to remove an item from the queue

3 to end ? 1

Enter a character: A

The queue is:

A --> NULL

? 1

Enter a character: В

The queue is:

A --> В --> NULL

? 1

К-во Просмотров: 666
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