Курсовая работа: Teaching English Grammar
The children are dancing at the party.
A pupil substitutes a phrase, the rest may say it in unison. Then they are invited to replace the word dancing with other words.
They are singing in the park.
They are working in the park.
They are walking in the park.
They are playing in the park.
They are running in the park.
They are talking in the park.
They are watering flowers in the park.
They are planting trees in the park.
They are helping the workers in the park.
The use of a particular verb is stimulated with pictures (or a Russian word). Quick revision is achieved with a small expenditure of effort. In this way they review many words and phrases. As pupils have only one difficulty to overcome the work does not take much time. Or pupils are invited to replace the words in the dialogue with those given in columns (see the dialogue above).
There is one more advantage in performing this type of exercises—pupils consolidate the grammar item without thinking about it. They think of the words, phrases, but not of the form itself, therefore, involuntary memory is at work.
- Completion
Pupils complete the sentences the teacher utters looking at the pictures he shows. For example:
Teacher: Look at the picture.
Mike is ... ... .
Pupil: Mike is getting up.
Class: Mike is getting up.
Teacher: Mike is ... ... .
Pupil: Mike is dressing.
Class: Mike is dressing.
Attention should be given to the use of is in this exercise. The teacher should pronounce Mike is ... to prevent the typical mistake of the pupils (Mike dressing). This is essential structural element of the tense form of the Present Continuous; Russian-speaking pupils, however, do not feel any necessity to use it.
- Answering the teacher's questions
For example:
Teacher: Is Mike getting up?
Pupil: Yes, he is.
Teacher: Who is getting up?
Pupil: Mike is.