Курсовая работа: The selection and adaptation of the material on the topic "Towns and places"



1. beach

2. lake

3. hillside

12. Summarizing of the lesson

It’s very actual topic, we have discussed today. It’s just for you to decide whether you will live and work in a country or in a city. It depends on your character, on your future profession and other circumstances.

H/t. write a composition (250 words) “I’d like to live in…”

IV. Conclusion

So we have chosen the material on the topic “Towns and Places” for the 10th form. We attained our aim, having selected an interesting and useful material for this topic, which is favorable for lessons. The teacher can show different photos, pictures, and drawings. Students can draw the plan of the city and show the main places of interest. Due to tests texts they learn much about the history of the cities, main historical monuments and other places of interest. Using grammar exercises, students revise grammar rules and simultaneously learn about the life in town. Texts for reading and discussing have to be interesting, containing much new information.

We tried to cover in our research paper all aspects of the lesson, such as reading, writing, listening, speaking, vocabulary and grammar.

The selected material corresponds to the school curriculum of the 10th form and can be used on the lessons.

While writing this research paper I used different Oxford, Longman, Collins ELT editions such as: How to teach English, New Headway, Blueprint, The Choice.


1.Compact: Intermediate: teacher’s Book / Doug Young, Madeline McHugh. –Collins ELT, 1991, -80 p.

2.Grammar in practice / Jennifer Seidi. – Oxford University Press, 1992. - 38 p.

3.How to teach English / Jeremy Harmer. – Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 1998. –198 p.

4.New Headway: Intermediate: Student’s book / Liz and John Soars. - Oxford University Press, 1996 –115 p.

5.English learner’s digest: Article “Scotland” -№ 22, November, 2001 p2

6.Penguin Basic English grammar/ James O’Drisoll. - Penguin English, 1988. –128 p.

7.Talking in pairs: Intermediate: / Tanya Bastow and Ceri Jones. Oxford University Press, 1995. – 80 p.

8.Учебник английского языка 10 кл / Н. М. Синельникова – Высшая школа, М., 1992

9.Your Guide in English: English tests / Completed by L. Panchenko. –«Шлях», Луганськ, 2001. – 60 р.

10. Speak English With Pleasure / Н. В. Турчина, Е.К. Меркулова, Торсинд 2000 –430 р.

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