Курсовая работа: Verb phrases
List of Shortenings
N noun
NP noun phrase
Adj adjective
AdjP adjective phrase
Adv adverb
AdvP adverb phrase
V verb
VP verb phrase
P preposition
PP preposition phrase
S sentence
The theme of the present paper is investigation of verb phrases in the structure of the modern American text.
Verb phrases are examined in the research work paper as a method included into utterance extra linguistic context in prism of human comprehension of the surrounding life.
Novelty of the semester paper lies in cognitive and communicative approaches to linguistic analysis of verb phrases aimed at acquiring the communicative competence.
The aim of the work is to describe the workings of the system of special verb forms used in English to locate situations in time.
Object of the research is the verb within syntax and morphology.
Subject of the research is semantic relations of verb phrases in the discourse structure.
The objective of the work is to lay the terminological and conceptual groundwork which is necessary in providing precise definitions of the basic linguistic terms dealing with the English verb phrases.
The methods of linguistic analysis used in this research paper work are:
1. Componential analysis, which helps to research lexemes that have a common range of meaning and constitutes a semantic domain of this project.
2. Discourse analysis, that enables to reveal the hidden motivations behind a text or behind the choice of a particular method of research to interpret that text.
3. Semantic analysis which is used to divide all the verb phrases of the text into groups, concerning their semantic meanings.
4. Distinctive analysis, which purpose is to measure the preference of one verb phrase over another particular construction.
Theoretical value of the paper is based on the analyzed data of 20 pages with verb phrases used in the novel.
Practical value of the work may be useful in theoretical grammar and general linguistics.
Structurally the term paper consists of three parts. The first part is dedicated to syntax and functions of the verbs within syntax and morphology. The second part defines basic linguistic terms, such as ‘verb’, ‘verb phrase’, ‘categories of the verb’, etc. Since this study is intended as the part of a theoretical grammar, it seems necessary to make explicit the way in which we use such terms. The third part presents the discourse analysis of the verb phrases in the novel “Forsyte Saga” by John Galsworthy. Each part has conclusions that carry the most useful and important information concerning the theme of the paper. In the end of the paper there are supplements providing the most important notions and terms, and also a list of abbreviations that can be found in the paper; and the list of bibliography used while making the research.
Part I. Syntax