Лабораторная работа: Greating 3D-Graphics on visual basic
'the Y axis)
For i = 0 To Sides (0). NumPoints
YSides (j). NumPoints = Sides (0). NumPoints
YSides (j). Points (i). X = Sides (j). Points (i). X * CosAng (Angle) + Sides (j). Points (i). Z * SinAng (Angle) 'new x value
YSides (j). Points (i). Y = Sides (j). Points (i). Y 'new y value
YSides (j). Points (i). Z = Sides (j). Points (i). Z * CosAng (Angle) - Sides (j). Points (i). X * SinAng (Angle) 'new z value
YSides (j). Normal. X = Sides (j). Normal. X * CosAng (Angle) + Sides (j). Normal. Z * SinAng (Angle) 'new x value
YSides (j). Normal. Y = Sides (j). Normal. Y 'new y value
YSides (j). Normal. Z = Sides (j). Normal. Z * CosAng (Angle) - Sides (j). Normal. X * SinAng (Angle) 'new z value
Next i
'check to see if plane is visible if so draw it
If VisiblePlane (YSides (j), 0, 0, 1000) Then
'Draw lines in front right to left rotation view
DrawShape YSides (j), PicFRL, "FRONT"
End If
If VisiblePlane (YSides (j), 0, 1000, 0) Then
'Draw lines in top right to left rotation view
DrawShape YSides (j), PicTop, "TOP"
End If
'draw the points for a sideways rotation (rotation around
'the Z axis)
'Remove comments to do calculation
'Rotate Z direction
'For i = 0 To Sides (0). NumPoints
' ZSides (j). NumPoints = Sides (0). NumPoints
' ZSides (j). Points (i). X = Sides (j). Points (i). X * CosAng (Angle) + Sides (j). Points (i). Y * SinAng (Angle) 'new x value