Лабораторная работа: Greating game on visual basic with multiplayer system
Out_Box. Caption = "X Won!!!!!"
End If
End If
Game_Over. Caption = "Game Over"
'Shows Resart Option if Host
If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then
restart. Visible = True
restart. Enabled = True
End If
Timer4. Enabled = True 'Sets timer to time mark routine
If sw = True Then 'Checks Whos turn sends string to mark
Call Mark_Win ("O")
Call Mark_Win ("X")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Player_Wins ()
'See computer wins for details
Dim a As Integer
For a = 0 To 8
Layer_A (a). Enabled = False
Next a
Begin = True
If multiplayermode = True And usermode = "host" Then
If sw = True Then
profilenamescore = profilenamescore + 1
Out_Box. Caption = profilename & " Won!"
opponentsscore = opponentsscore + 1