Отчет по практике: Язык программирования Pascal
if not (o in dig) then begin
include (dig,o);
for l: =0 to 9 do
if not (l in dig) then begin
include (dig, l);
for f: =0 to 9 do
if not (f in dig) then begin
include (dig,f);
for i: =0 to 9 do
if not (i in dig) then begin
include (dig, i);
for a: =0 to 9 do
if not (a in dig) then begin
include (dig,a);
for t: =0 to 9 do
if not (t in dig) then begin
include (dig,t);
for m: = 0 to 9 do
if not (m in dig) then begin
include (dig,m);
for r: =0 to 9 do
if not (r in dig) then begin
include (dig,r);
Sum: =v*10000 + (o+f) *1000 + (l+i) *100 + (v+t) *10 + (o+t);
Motor: =m*10000+o*1000+t*100+o*10+r;
if sum = motor then
writeln (v,o,l,v,o,'+',f, i,a,t,'=', m,o,t,o,r);
exclude (dig,r)