Реферат: Act III Scene Iii Of Othello Essay
and was given to him by his mother. Othello is incensed to hear that Desdemona
would give away something so valuable, and is persuaded by Iago’s insinuations
and claims to believe that Desdemona is guilty. Othello then swears to have
Cassio dead, and to be revenged upon Desdemona for the non-existent affair. A more
detailed look into the play "His
bed shall seem a school, his board a shrift," Desdemona says of Othello;
these paradoxes highlight Desdemona’s determination to set things right.
Ironically, it is this determination to "intermingle everything Othello
does with Cassio’s suit" that fuels Othello’s jealousy, which is the cause
of her death. Had Desdemona not felt such a sense of justice or been good
enough to advocate for a case in which she was not involved, she might have
survived. Though it is very ironic, and a paradox, Desdemona is undone by her
own goodness, and her need to step into affairs on a public level, which
Othello is uncomfortable with. In this
scene, Iago begins his machinations to make it seem like Cassio and Desdemona
are having an affair. However, Iago refrains from saying very much; "I
cannot think it that he would steal away so guilty-like" is the most
incriminating thing he says about Cassio. He makes Othello start to think
uneasy thoughts by saying "I like not that" about Cassio’s exit;
Othello immediately seizes the bait, his jealousy playing off of Iago’s
calculated insinuations. Desdemona’s
choice of words to describe Cassio is unfortunate; she calls him a
"suitor," not meaning it in a romantic sense, although Othello could
certainly take it that way. Desdemona binds her reputation to Cassio’s in an
unfortunate way; she says that if Cassio is wrong, "I have no judgment in
an honest face". Of course Desdemona means well, but she gambles too much
on another person’s honour. Iago begins
to echo Othello, which makes Othello even more uneasy. He asks questions that
are basically related to the issues at hand, such as whether Desdemona and