Реферат: Advertising in our Life

7. Advertising has an exact target orientation, reflecting different searches, desires, interests of concrete consumers and informing them so that taking into account distinctions of a consumer, it demands certain advertising audience;

8. Advertising gains the attention of the audience that is reached by successful art and text decisions, placement of the advertisement in mass media using high reputation;

9. Advertising emphasizes new unique features and properties of the goods that is the precondition of its success in the market and the most working part of advertising argument;

10. Advertising concentrates attention on the main thing, not complicating, offers only that is important for the consumer, and addresses directly to him.

Advertising in mass media influences broad and consequently is expedient for products and services of wide consumption and mass demand. When there is a question of choice of mass-media the basic reasons "for" and "against" of accepting alternative decisions are: conformity of advertising to target groups of the population potentially interested in the promoted goods; popularity among them the edition, audience of spectators; a fare level for advertising areas or broadcasting time; geography of distribution or action. Naturally, features of concrete means of distribution of advertising are taken into account.

The complex advertising campaigns including the announcements in press, by radio, TV, on hoardings are under construction using the same advertising ideas and creative power so that opportunities of each means of advertising supplement each other.

Advertising in newspapers and magazines has received a wide circulation and on volume of expenses concedes only to advertising on TV. Advertising in newspapers is cheaper than on television. At the same time quality of reproduction of advertising originals in newspapers is usually low. The advertisements placed in them, as a rule, are less attractive, and each edition has simultaneously many such announcements, in this connection influence of any of them is separately reduced.

Specificity of advertising in press dictates the following special approaches for its creation and placement:

1. The heading should involve the consumer, allow to him the new information, contain the basic argument and the name of the goods;

2. It is not necessary to be afraid of plenty of words, if all of them are to the point, the long heading works even better, than the short one;

3. The consumer is quite often ready to perceive the information literally, therefore it is better to do without negative revolutions because in his memory the negative moments can be saved, associating with a subject of advertising;

4. It is necessary to use simple words, but positively working on all, for example, "free-of-charge", "novelty", etc.;

5. In illustrations the intrigue is very valuable;

6. Photos work better, than figures, especially when they compare a status before occurrence, using of the goods;

7. Simple breadboard model with one big illustration of a format of a journal strip is an ideal variant of the advertisement in press;

8. It is not necessary to be afraid of long texts because if the consumer is interested in more detailed information, he, involved with heading, will read all the text up to the end;

9. The text should be easy for recognition, without boasting, represent the facts, instead of mere allegations;

10. The trust to advertising raises, if the photo and the text reflect a picture of a real life, the certificate of eyewitnesses, authoritative experts;

11. It is not necessary to print the text light letters on a dark background - it is difficult to read.

Advantage of radio over other mass media is: a 24-hour announcement to many regions and a variety of programs. Radio is listened to in inhabited and industrial rooms, in the kitchen, walking on clean air, in the car. Therefore the advertisements placed in corresponding radio programs, cover significant percent of audience of consumers, irrespective of where they are - at job, on rest, in a way. The radio advertising is operative and has low cost. At the same time during recognition of the advertising references broadcast by radio, sight through which the person receives up to 90 % of information does not participate. Besides the radio advertising complicates an establishment of bilateral communications with the consumer. Often the consumer does not have a pencil, a paper to write down the information transferred in the announcement.

For increasing the efficiency of a radio advertising it is useful to follow the following advice:

1. Achieve, that the announcement includes imagination of spectators;

2. Accompany advertising of a concrete product, service by a remembered sound;

3. The result will be the best if to use "prime time" - time, when the number of listeners is the greatest;

4. If the advertising campaign on TV on the same goods or service is parallelly conducted, it is necessary to use the same signal, melodies, texts, characters;

The radio advertising cannot be estimated under the written text, it should be heard.

Television announcements include images, sounds, movements, color and consequently render on audience much greater influence, than announcements in other mass media. Advertising on TV becomes more and more interesting, informative and at the same time complex and expensive in manufacture, especially if it is based on computer's schedule.

For achieving effect of TV advertising, it is necessary to do the following:

It is necessary to gain the attention of the audience in first five seconds; verbosity is not necessary - each word should work.

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