Реферат: Английский базовый курс для нелингвистов, билеты и ответы

3) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To cut down expenses.
B ) Акцептовать или отозвать оферту.

4) Answer the question: What is a market? What kinds of markets do you know?

5) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: Why do people make businesses? They do it in the hope of …(to get) profits.

6) Insert article(s) where necessary: The USA is … Federal Union of 50 states; each of them has … government.

7) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: The legislative power in Great Britain is exercised ... the Houses ... Parliament.

8) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Yesterday our firm concluded a very profitable contract.

9) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: By utilizing markering research marketers have acquired information on consumers.

10) Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет 16

1) Translate from English: The mere fact of an agreement alone doesn't make a contract. In order for such an agreement to be valid and enforceable through the courts consideration must be furnished by each party to the contract.

2) Translate from Russian: Акция - владение частью компании и, следовательно, правом на долю любого дохода, который она приносит (дивиденд).

3) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
To start a business with a sufficient capital.
B ) Стороны по контракту (договору).

4) Answer the question: Why are wholesale and retail dealers called intermediaries in business? What is customers’ attitude towards them?

5) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: In each House of English Parliament a bill … (to consider) in three stages … (to call) readings.

6) Insert article(s) where necessary: ... Contract law is ... branch of ... civil law. It is ... legal foundation of all business dealings.

7) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: The new cars of Gorki plant are different ... what we had two years ago. We are very interested ... buying some of them.

8) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Under the Contract law nobody can use another name and trademark by starting a new business.

9) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: We have to decide this problem immediately.

10) Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет 17

1) Translate from English: The standards of proof are higher in a criminal action than in a civil action since the loser risks not only financial penalties but also being sent to prison (or. in some countries, executed).

2) Translate from Russian: Экономическое развитие всех стран было бы ускорено осуществлением широкой программы разоружения. Более низкие уровни военной конфронтации создали бы благоприятную атмосферу для активизации экономического сотрудничества в интересах всех и всего.

3) Provide the correct Russian and English equivalents:
Small business; small-business owners.
B ) Стимулировать спрос на товары.

4) Answer the question: Land, labor, capital and entrepreneurship are the main factors of production in any economic system. Who must they belong to, in your opinion?

5) Use the right form(s) of the verb(s) in brackets: The success of your business will depend on your (to plan and to motivate) the activities of the employees of the firm.

6) Insert article(s) where necessary: In Russia ... bill becomes ... law if it is approved by both chambers of the Federal Assembly and signed by the President.

7) Fill in the blanks with prepositions where necessary: All parents try to provide their children ... good education and good manners.

8) Ask questions: a) to the subject of the sentence; b) to the predicate: Sales experience greatly increases business people’s chances in the market.

9) Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Buying power will separate casual lookers from serious customers in any market.

10) Please, write a few lines about yourself, your prospects, your future business.

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет 18

1) Translate from English: Public law is primarily concerned with the relationship between the state and its citizens. The main categories of public law are: crimes, constitutional law, international law.

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