Реферат: Английский язык (11 класс)

transferred the capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg. Petertravelled much in Western Europe amd tried to carry western customsand habits to Russia. He

introduced western technology. Hecompletely changed the Russian government and military system:

he increased the power of the monarch and reduced the power ofthe boyars and the church.In foreign policy. Peter I waged a war with Turkey ( 1695-1696) and

the Great Nothern War with Sweden ( 1700-1721), and a war with Persia(1722-1723). In these wars, he wanted to get access to the Baltic, BlackSea and the Caspian Sea. He managed to get the shores of the Baltic Sea

and and the Caspian Sea.Peter I played a great part in Russian history. After his death, Russiawas much more secure and progressive than it had been before his



Pushkin is the most important Russian writer of all time, likeShakespeare in England or Dante in Italy. Pushkin provided thestandards for Russian arts and literature in the 19th century.Pushkin was born in Moscow in 1799 into an upper-class family.In 1811 he entered a lyceum at Tsarskoye Solo. The education offered

at the lyceum shaped Pushkin's life.He graduated from the lyceum in 1817 and began to work in the

foreign office in St. Petersburg.In 1820 the foreign office transferred Pushkin to Ekaterinoslav, and

later to Odessa for writing anti-tsarist poetry. In 1824, for his lettersagainst the tsar, he was exiled to Mikhailovskoye. In 1824, Tsar Nicholas Iallowed Pushkin to return to Moscow.Pushkin felt in love with Natalya Goncharova,-who was lfrthen, andin 1830 they got married. His wife was suspected of an affair withBaron Georges d'Antes; this became the subject of gossip. Pushkinchallenged d'Antes to a duel. Pushkin was wounded and died twodays later.Pushkin was Russia's greatest poet. In his works he was first

influenced by 18th century poets, and then by Lord Byron. Finally hedeveloped bis own style, which was realistic but classical in form.His earliest long poem was romantic «Ruslan and Lyudmila»(1818-1820). А

series of verse tales followed- «The Prisoner of the

Caucasus», «The Robber Brothers», «The Fountain ofBakhchisarai»,and «The Gypsies». They were inspired by Syren's poetry.In 1823 Pushkin began writing his masterpiece «Eugene Onegin», a

novel in verse. «Eugen Onegin» became the linguistic and literarystandard. It is a commentary on the life of the early I 9th century Russia.It is noted for brilliant verse.He also wrote other long poems, including «Bronze Horseman»(1833), the finest collection of lyrics in Russian literature.Pushkin created also a number of masterpieces in drama and prose.«Little Tragedies» and «The Stone Guest» are among the best works inthe world history of drama. Pushkin's love to Russia's past resulted inhis historical drama, «Boris Godunov» (1825). «Tales of the Latel.P.Belkin», «Dubrovsky», «The Captain's Daughter» are the most

important of his prose works. Pushkin's use of Russian influenced the ofgreat Russian writers Turgenev, Goncharov, Tolstoy.Pushkin's early death shocked the country. Pushkin, called by many«the sun of Russian literature», belongs among the foremost poets and

writers of the world.


Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. The vast territoryof Russia lies in the eastern part of Europe and the northern part of Asia.Russia is washed by twelve seas and three oceans. The oceans are:

the Arctic, the Atlantic, the Pacific. The seas are: the White Sea, theBarents Sea, the Okhotsk Sea, the Black Sea, the Baltic Sea and others.Russia borders on many countries, such as Mongolia and China in the

south-east, Finland and Norway in the north-west, and so on.The land of Russia varies very much from forests to deserts, fromhigh mountains to deep valleys. The main mountain cbains are the Urals,the Caucasus and the Altai. There are a lot of great rivers and deep lakes

on its territory. The longest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Ob, theYenisei and the Lena in Asia. The largest lakes are Ladoga and Baikal.Baikal is the deepest lake in the world and its water is the purest on earth.The Russian Federation is rich in natural and mineral resources.It has deposits of oil, gas, coal, iron, gold and many others.The current population of Russia is more than 150 million people.The European part of the country is densely peopled, and most populationlive in cities and towns and their outskirts.

The capital of Russian Federation is Moscow, with the populationof about 10 million people.Russia is a presidedtial republic. It is one of the leading powers in

the world.

The United States of America

The Unites States of America are situated in the central part of theNorth American continent. Its western coast is washed by the PacificOcean and its eastern coast - by the Atlantic Ocean.The total area of the USA is over nine million square kilometres.The population of the USA is more than 236 million people; most ofthe population lives in towns and cities.The USA is a very large country, so it has several different climatic

regions. The Goldest regions are in the north and north-east. The southhas a subtropical climate.The United States is a land of rivers and lakes..The northern state

of Minnesota is the land of 10 000 lakes. The longest

rivers in the USAare the Mississippi, the Missouri and the Rio Grande. The highestmountains are the Rocky Mountains, the Cordillera and the SierraNevada.

The United States are riebiia natural and mineral resources. Itproduces copper, oil, iron ore and coal. It is a highly-developedindustrial Bad agricultural coubtry.There are many big cities in the USA, such as New York, Chicago,Los Angeles, Philadelphia and others. The national capital isWashington, D.C. Its population is about 3,4 million. Washington was

built in the late eighteenth century especially as the centre ofgovernmeat. It was named after George Washington.The USA became the world teading country at the beginning of thetwen*eth century.

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