Реферат: Английский язык 11

ваш, ваша, ваши (употребляется без последующего существительного)

верно, преданно

С уважением … (заключительная фраза в деловых письмах)


1. to regret [ri΄gret]

I regret to say …

2. to reserve [ri΄zə:v]

3. accommodation [ə˛komə΄dei∫n]

to reserve (hotel) accommodation for somebody

4. to book (up)

We are booked up.

5. available [ə΄veiləbl]

This book is not available.

6. national [΄næ∫ənl]

7. processor [prə΄sesə]

word processor

8. association [ə˛sousi΄ei∫ən]

9. to hold [hould]

10. convention [kən΄ven∫ən]

11. during [΄djuəriŋ]

during the revolution

during the interval

12 surely [΄∫uəli]

As you will surely understand …

13. They have to reserve …

14. possible [΄posibl]

as many rooms as possible

as soon as possible

15. member [΄membə]

a member of Parliament

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