Реферат: Английский, профкурс деловой, вопросы и билеты

7. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. The organization (has/have) lost many members this year.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: function, American Reserve, Bank, government, policy, is, to, support, the, of, the, economic, the, Federal, Federal.

9. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: You will receive our annotation for some machinery for an automobile plant in a week.

10. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: (to grow ) Crops ___ under glass mature more quickly than those in the open.

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет № 26

1. Translate into English: Аукционист – это агент, назначенный продавцом для продажи товаров за вознаграждение, обычно в форме комисcионных.

2. Translate into Russian: When managers motivate subordinates, direct the activities of others, select the most effective communication channel, or resolve conflicts among members, they are engaging in leading.

3. Answer the question: How do you understand the right of freedom of choice in the private enterprise system?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. Void and illegal

5. Grammar drills.Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions: Fashion and consumers' tastes and needs are constantly changing.

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Mr. Brown (inform) us that the firm (to agree) to reduce the price.

7. Grammar drills. C. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form of the verb in parentheses. Neither the manager of the firm nor its employeers _____ (was/were) satisfied with the results of their work.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: familiar, chronological, CV, is, the, a, most, layout

9. Use the phrase in the Passive Voice: Managers must set objectives for achieving satisfactory results in these markets.

10. Insert the verb in its correct form. Name the composed grammatical structure. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: (to admire ) I stared at the canvas for ages, ___ the artist's skill and eye for detail.

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет № 27

1. Translate into English: Одно из старейших средств рекламы – ярмарка. Ярмарки восходят к средневековью и с тех пор доказывают свою реальную эффективность. В то время суверены (правители) имели возможность предоставить своим городам привилегию проводить такое мероприятие, как ярмарка.

2. Translate into Russian: Every agreement enforceable by law is a contract. This definition is worthy of careful thought but it is far from correct. An agreement which cannot be enforced by law because it doesn’t fulfil the requirements at certain states, may still be a contract.

3. Answer the question in 3-5 sentences: How will you get customers, if you set up in business?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. Be valid for

5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions. ... the past this company supplied us ... their chemical;

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Normative economics (to ask) if the outcomes of economic behavior (be) good or bad.

7. Subject-Verb Agreement: Choose the right form in parentheses. There __________ (has/have) been a number of terrible battles during the war.

8. Make up a sentence using the following words: manager, what, while, he, to, is, want, know, does, employing, the, a, personnel ,staff

9. Grammar drills. Use common phrase in the Passive Voice:
The consignor has not declared the value and the nature of the goods ready for shipment.

10. Name the grammatical structure in the bold type. Comment on its function and translate the sentence into Russian: They are said to have been conducting negotiations for a long time.

Зав. кафедрой


Экзаменационный билет по предмету


Билет № 28

1. Translate into English: При смешанном капитализме у правительства имеется два экономических инструмента: право облагать налогами и право расходовать деньги.

2. Translate into Russian: The function of the American Federal Reserve Bank is to support the economic policy of the Federal government. It is the only institution entitled to release new banknotes. The bank oversees the stability of American currency by regulating the amount of money in circulation.

3. Answer the question: Who owns the resources necessary for production and the businesses under the private enterprise system?

4. Idioms: Provide the correct Russian equivalent. Credit sale

5. Grammar drills. Fill in the blanks with the necessary prepositions: Documents and approvals generally must be obtained … before starting operations.

6. Grammar drills. Use the right tense in the following sentence: Mr. Brown (to inform) us in the telephone conversation that the firm (to agree) to reduce the price.

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