Реферат: База данных видеокарт
End With
End If
Next j
With MSFlexGrid1
Rows = k
Col = 5
Sort = 1
Rows = 70
End With
MsgBox "Неверно задан диапазон"
End If
Case Else
MsgBox "Неудача"
End Select
Option1.Enabled = True
Option2.Enabled = True
Option3.Enabled = True
Option4.Enabled = True
Option5.Enabled = True
Option6.Enabled = True
Option7.Enabled = True
Option8.Enabled = True
Combo1.Enabled = True
Combo2.Enabled = True
Combo3.Enabled = True
Option1.Value = False
Option2.Value = False
Option3.Value = False