Реферат: Butterfly Moon By Tauna M Robley Essay

Butterfly Moon By Tauna M. Robley Essay, Research Paper

Butterfly Moon

by Tauna M. Robley

Tika pulled her curtains open. Her long golden hair reflected the moon’s rays.

“Hello Moon,” Tika said.

The moon just hung there, with no words in return.

Tika sighed, “I know you cannot talk back to me, but if you could, the stories we

would share.”

She sat on her bed. It was filled with fallen feathers she had gathered. It took her

weeks to strip the soft part from the sharp part of the feather. Even with its softness, she

found sleeping on the night of the full moon very difficult. It was a reminder to her of her

old life, running through fields with the others, flying threw the sky, and eating wild

berries they had picked.

“Why did Father betray me?” She felt her pointy ears with her pale long fingers. Even

if she was a full-bred fairy, instead of half-human, they would have still hated her. Her

People didn’t even allow her to be a servant because of the hatred of humans. A tear

traced Tika’s cheek. She couldn’t understand how her family and friends could turn on

her and her mother so fast. Her father, King of the Breezon fairies, married her Mother

Sara Seaward, a human, twenty years ago. Back when the human and Fairies races lived

in harmony. But now the Fairies despised humans and believed them to be the reason for

the all evil in the world. Once the treasured Princess of The Fairy Tribe, Breezon, Tika

was now the object of pity and ridicule.

“Kill them!” The chant echoed in her mind. Tika saw the people holding long candles

as her father had his human victims drug out, They were tied to planks of wood and the

people threw their candles at them burning them to death.

Her mother’s dying wail broke her heart.

Tika grabbed his foot. “Please, Father, don’t!”

“Humans are enemies; they plot against us,” he replied.

“We must take them and all they have before they take us.”


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