Реферат: Catherine A MackinnonS Only Words Essay Research

Catherine A. Mackinnon`S ?Only Words? Essay, Research Paper


Constitutionally protected speech that is Clearly sexual abuse is discriminating and

unconstitutional, therefore, must be restricted speech. Catherine A. MacKinnon, in her book

?Only Words? gives persuading evidence that pornography subordinates women as a group

through sexual abuse. She says ?Protecting pornography means protecting sexual abuse as

speech, at the same time that both pornography and it?s protection have deprived women of

speech, especially speech against pornography (MacKinnon, 9). MacKinnon argues this bye

explaining defamation and discrimination, racial and sexual harassment, and equality and


Women are sexually abused for the making of pornography. Torture, rape, hot wax

dripping over nipples, and murdering women are the tools to produce a product of evil.

Literature is the description of these crimes against humanity (emphasized) and cameras are

proof of these crimes.

On the assumption that words have only a referential relation to reality, pornography

is defended as only words-even when it is pictures women had to directly used to

make, even when the means of writing are women?s bodies, even when a women is

destroyed in order to say it or show it or because it was said or shown.

(MacKinnon, 12)

However, assuming words are only a partial relation to reality would mean we would have to

reconsider what reality is. Our wedding vows such as ?I do? would be meaningless and a jury

could never return a verdict that is only partial to reality. These words are ?treated as the

institutions and practices they constitute, rather than as expressions of the idea they embody?

(Mackinnon, 13) Therefore, if these words of pornography are only words, don?t they

institutionalize rape? Since pornography is rape on women.

Pornography is protected by the First Amendment as free speech, but why? Because

the pornographic materials are construed as ideas, and the First Amendment protects ideas.

Pornography is commonly brushed of as some product of fantasy for those who buy it. But

what about the women who were tortured to make it. Also it is brushed off as simulated.


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