Реферат: CMIP Vs SNMP Network Management Essay

variable notification event) (Comer, 82) As a comparison, SNMP only employs

variable properties from one and three above. The biggest feature of the CMIP

protocol is that its variables not only relay information to and from the

terminal (as in SNMP) , but they can also be used to perform tasks that would be

impossible under SNMP. For instance, if a terminal on a network cannot reach

the fileserver a pre-determined amount of times, then CMIP can notify

appropriate personnel of the event. With SNMP however, a user would have to

specifically tell it to keep track of unsuccessful attempts to reach the server,

and then what to do when that variable reaches a limit. CMIP therefore results

in a more efficient management system, and less work is required from the user

to keep updated on the status of the network. CMIP also contains the security

measures left out by SNMP. Because of the large development budget, when it

becomes available, CMIP will be widely used by the government, and the

corporations that funded it.

After reading the above paragraph, you might wonder why, if CMIP is this

wonderful, is it not being used already? (after all, it had been in development

for nearly 10 years) The answer is that possibly CMIP’s only major disadvantage,

is enough in my opinion to render it useless. CMIP requires about ten times the

system resources that are needed for SNMP. In other words, very few systems in

the world would able to handle a full implementation on CMIP without undergoing

massive network modifications. This disadvantage has no inexpensive fix to it.

For that reason, many believe CMIP is doomed to fail. The other flaw in CMIP is

that it is very difficult to program. Its complex nature requires so many

different variables that only a few skilled programmers are able to use it to

it’s full potential.

Considering the above information, one can see that both management systems

have their advantages and disadvantages. However the deciding factor between

the two, lies with their implementation, for now, it is almost impossible to

find a system with the necessary resources to support the CMIP model, even

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