Реферат: Customs Service

5.8.1. keeping register of entities engaged in the activities in the field of customs;

5.8.2. keeping register of banks and other credit organizations, authorized to provide bank guaranties for payment of customs charges;

5.8.3. keeping customs register of intellectual property objects;

5.8.4. annulling customs processing specialists’ qualification certificates;

5.8.5. issuing licenses for setting up of free warehouses;

5.9. to keep foreign trade customs statistics and special customs statistics;

5.10. to inform and provide advice free of charge on the issues of customs for participants of foreign trade activity;

5.11. to perform within its competence control of currency operations, related to transfer of goods and transport vehicles across the customs border of the Russian Federation;

5.12. to carry out proceedings on administrative violations and consideration of such cases in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on administrative violations;

5.13. to carry out investigations and immediate investigation proceedings in accordance with procedural criminal legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.14. to carry out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation operational search actions;

5.15. to develop and create in accordance with established procedure information technologies, IT hardware and information systems used by customs authorities;

5.16. to perform the functions of main manager and recipient of Federal budget funds, allocated for maintenance of the Service and performance of the imposed functions;

5.17. to provide within its competence protection of state secret information;

5.18. to consider complaints to decisions, actions or inaction of customs bodies and customs officers;

5.19. to arrange for public function, provide for timely and thorough consideration of appeals of public, to make decisions on such appeals and respond to applicants in the term established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

5.20. to provide for mobilization training of the Service, as well as control and coordination of activity of the organizations under its jurisdiction in terms of mobilization training;

5.21. to set up professional training of executive officers of customs authorities, refresher courses, advance training and training on probation;

5.22. to accomplish in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation work on acquisition, safekeeping, accounting and using of archive documents generated in the process of the Service operation;

5.23. to interact in accordance with established procedure with the bodies of foreign governments and international organizations in the established area of activity, including that of representation on behalf of the Government of the Russian Federation the interests of the RF in the World Customs Organization (Council for Customs Cooperation) and other international organizations;

5.24. to conduct in accordance with established procedure and enter into government contracts for placing goods supply orders, performance of works, rendering of services for the own needs of the Service, and for R&D works for government needs in established area of activity;

5.25. to perform functions of customer in erection of customs houses, customs check-points and other objects required for development of customs infrastructure;

5.26. to perform functions of customer in working out sketches and printing of excise stamps for marking alcohol production, tobacco and tobacco goods, imported to the customs territory of the Russian Federation;

5.27. to implement programs of customs procedures in the Russian Federation;

5.28. to perform other functions in established area of activity, if such functions are envisaged by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation.

The Federal Customs Service with the purpose of realizing its authority in the established area of activity is authorized to:

6.1. with the concurrence of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation:

to set up, restructure and liquidate customs terminals, specialized customs bodies with their competence limited by several warrants for performance of certain functions, imposed on customs authorities, or for carrying out of customs operations in relation to the specific types of goods;

to define the region of activity of customs bodies;

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