Реферат: Dmb Red Rocks Essay Research Paper Imagine

good song.

The “warehouse” is referring to a place that has changed. It is about a place that at

one point was great. Now, the place is no longer desirable and he wants to move on.

There are many references to superstition in the song, referring to black cats and ladders.

“The black cat is changing colors. And you can walk under ladders.” These show a

change in how you feel. At one point, you feared the black cat, but now, the cat is a

different color, it doesn’t matter if it walks in front of you. Your view has changed. This

applies to the ladder line as well. This “warehouse” does not have to be a physical place.

The “warehouse” could also be a very mental place, especially a state. Using drugs as

an example, at a certain point, drugs can be very appealing. As usage continues, the user

might become addicted, and it is not near as appealing then. And at that stage, one would

want to escape. Although it was fun, your view on it has changed.

Tripping Billies is the next song. It is a great song to get an idea of the full band. It

begins with everyone playing, and parts are easy to distinguish and hear. It is a happy

song, with a fast, exciting sound. Tinsley and Beauford standout on this song, as does

Matthews’s guitar playing. Tinsley has a big solo that is great. It picks up the song and

raises the intensity. Lessard, although somewhat hard to distinguish from the acoustic, is

jamming his bass, which adds quietly to the song. It is an exciting song.

This song is about taking acid. It is based on an experience that Matthews had in his

youth. It is an exciting song with exciting lyrics, speaking of past events. Some of the

lyrics, such as “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we’ll die” add to the “carpe diem”

topic. Enjoy life now, because soon enough, you will die. Life is too short, so have fun.

Drive In, Drive Out is the song that follows. This song is a showcase of Beauford on

the drums. Lessard really stands out in the chorus. Matthews’s vocals stretch their range

and add a villainous twist in some parts. There is a really good jam, in which Moore has a

good solo. Reynolds adds some great guitar effects at the right places. This song is

Beauford’s chance to shine.

The music to this song was actually written long before the lyrics. The lyrics do not

have any real strong meaning, but there is some. This song is about persistence. “Drive in,

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