Реферат: Education and qualifications
7) architect d) a person who designs and supervises the construction of the buildings
8) nurse g) a person who cares for people who are ill or injured
9) turner k) a person who works at lather
10) secretary h) employee in an office, who deals with correspondence, keeps records, makes arrangements and appointments for a particular member of the staff
11) bricklayer j) a workman who builds with bricks
12) engineer n) a person who works in a branch of engineering; a person who designs engines, machines, bridges, railways; a skilled or trained person who controls communications
13) economist l) a person who writes lectures on economics or political economy
14) sculptor m) an artist who makes sculptures
1. Богацкий И.С., Дюканова Н.М. Бизнес-курс английского язика.- К.: ООО Логос, 2005
2. Дудкина Г.А., Павлова М.В. Учебник английского языка для делового общения.- М.: Аверс, 1991.
3. Кулиш Л.Ю., Друянова Е.А. Английский для общения.- К.: Астарта, 1995