Реферат: Education System In Honduras

At the same time in Ukraine there are new progressive trends in the system of higher education. In many universities, the Bologna process is being introduced. It’s influence on our higher education not evident yet, but in a few years, when teachers and students will understand its essence and will get used to it, it will bring the Ukrainian education closer to the European level. There are still some points in our system of higher education that need to be changed. First of all, Specialist’s degree, which is not recognized anywhere in Europe or other advanced countries, has to be cancelled, and only Master’s degree should be left instead. Then, Bachelor’s degree has to be accepted as the first degree of higher education, as it is everywhere in the civilized world. In general, the Ukrainian higher education needs to be relieved of the remains of the Soviet education system, and then it will be possible to upgrade it efficiently.


1. “Global Exchange” website, “Education in Honduras”.

2. “Honduras Education” from the Library of Congress Country Studies.

3. IAU, World Higher Education Database “Honduras – Education System”.

4. Information and Monitoring Sheet for Statistical Capacity Building in Education 2003-2005. Honduras.

5. Jeanne Moulton “An Outline of the Educational System in Honduras”.

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