Реферат: English speaking countries

Робота студента І-го

факультету розробки ПЗ

Колєсніка Євгенія В.

Науковий керівник-

викладач Василенко Л.М.

Харків, 2010 рік.

План реферату

Вступ. Introduction.

Географічне положення. Geography.

Гографічні області. Giographical Regions.

Клімат в погода. Climate and Weather.

Природа. Nature.

Центральні провінції Квебек. Central Provinces Quebec.

Центральні провінції Онтаріо. Central Provinces Ontario.

Провінція, розташована в преріях Манітоба. Prairie Provinces Manitoba

Провінція, розташована в преріях Саскачеван. Prairie Provinces Saskatchewan.

Провінція, розташованав преріях Альберта. Prairie Provinces Alberta.

Pre – Colonial Canada

It is believed that Aboriginal peoples arrived from Asia thousands of years ago by way of a land bridge between Siberia and Alaska. Some of them settled in Canada while others chose to continue to the south. When the European explorers arrived, Caanada was populated by a diverse range of Aboriginal peoples who, depending on the environment, lived nomadic or settled lifestyles, were hunters, fishermen or farmers.

First contacts between the native peoples and Europeans probably occurred about 1000 years ago when the Icelandic Norsemen settled for a brief time on the island of Newfoundland. But it would be another 600 years before European exploration began in earnest.

The name “Canada” is believed to have originated with its first inhabitants, since the natives used the world “kanata” to describe a settlement. The term is thought to have been picked up by European discoverers, who changed it to its present spelling.


From Sea to Sea and Farther to the North

Canadians, of whom there are more tnan 30 million, become accustomed to the disproportional size of the country by the time they have studied its geography at school. Newcomers to Canada – if they know nothing else about it – know that it is capacious. But most cannot help but be impressed with even the most basik statistics on our planet`s second biggest nation, which is exceeded in area only by Russia. Occupying over 9,976,000 square kilometres, Canada extends from the Northwest Territories` Cape Columbia on Ellesmere Island – a relative hop and skip from the North Pole – to Pelee Island in Ontario`s portion of Lake Erie – and with the same latitude as central Spain. Canada`s neighbour across the Arctic Ocean is Russia. That is a north-south distance of 2,850 miles. The east to west span is 5,780 miles – from Cape Spear, Newfoundland, to Mount St. Elias, the Yukon Territory – six distinct time zones. Canada`s border with the United States is one of the longest: it extends 8,892 km and is broken by scores of entry-exit points between the two nations. It is near this frontier that some 85 per cent of the Canada`s populace is clustered.

In between these points there are thirteen principal subdivisions – ten provinces and three territiries that embrace most of the vast north, accounting for 38 per cent of Canada`s area and an infinitesimal fraction of its population (about 0,3 per cent).

Water Expanse and Water Ways

Three great oceans – the Atlantic, the Pacific and the Arctic, wash Canada`s shores. It has estimated that Canada has 1/7 of the world fresh water. All but one of the Great Lakes (Michigan) are partially Canadian. Enormous Hudson Bay is exlusively Canadian, as there are rich massive but relatively little known inland seas as the Great Bear Lake (31,326 sq km), the Great Slave Lake – just a bit smaller – and Lake Winni peg, which is bigger than Lake Ontario.

It is through Canada that the St. Lawrence Seaway flows some 3,058 km – making possible big-scale shipping from Atlantic ports all the way to harbours on the Great Lakes, in the heart of the continent.

Canada`s longest river, the Mackenzie, which flows 4,241 kilometres, drains into the Arctic Ocean; the Columbia and the Fraser rivers flow into the Pacific; the Nelson and the Churchill connect with Hudson Bay; The Yukon drains into the Bering Sea; and the Saskatchewan empties into Lake Winni peg.

Geographical Regions


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