Реферат: Environmental Cleanup On Air Force Installations Essay

in polarized areas that could have a negative impact on the team environment.

- Establish an annual schedule for Tier III requirements and develop simple time effective methods for receiving information. These requirements include annual budget

cost, success stories, and issues. The Tier II team should work with the Tier I efforts to allow the Tier III requirements to be submitted through the list serve or updated

on the web page.

- Use creative methods for the cross-feed of information. The effective dissemination of information will reduce the redundancy in installation programs and allow the tier

III teams to solve technical problems quicker.

- Identify the requirements the Tier III teams need to fulfill to graduate from facilitated to teams that do not require the mandatory facilitation. Facilitation is an expensive

part of the program cost reduction in this area may show additional cost savings.

- Document the facilitated ADR model to allow export to other areas.

The Tier II teams should continue to meet to support the management requirement at a minimum of 4-6 times per year. The schedule and location of meeting should be

conducted to meet the requirements of the Tier III teams.

Tier III

The Tier III teams are currently made up of the appropriate representatives. The teams need to continue to develop into high performing teams. The teams need to

continue to seek consensus goals and decisions to strengthen and expedite he cleanup process at the each installation.

The only structural change the team needs to make is to define roles and responsibilities to insure a balanced workload and encourage all members to share information

and assist in development of submittal packages.


ADR processes have been used successfully to build consensus decisions between government agencies and the public. The ADR process has reduced the cost and

improved the quality of the AF environmental cleanup program in Florida. Structural changes to the AF/EPA/Florida facilitated ADR process at the Tier I and II level will

enhance the efficiency of the current program. The use of empowerment and consensus decision making with the EPA and State regulators is an extension of the current

Total Quality Management (TQM) program embraced as a standard operating procedure for the Air Force. The AF should pursue the changes described in a previous

section to improve the efficiency of the process and allow the process to be exported to other EPA regions and states. In making the changes to the ADR program and

exporting it is important to remember that Tiers I and II are support organizations for Tier III. The success or failure of ADR is totally dependent on Tier III working as a

team with the resources made available to do the job. Request the AFCEE Director initiate action on the following recommendations:

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