Реферат: Физические законы, переменные, принципы

A mathematical formula which generates, with a fair amount ofaccuracy, the semimajor axes of the planets in order out from theSun. Write down the sequence 0, 3, 6, 12, 24, . . . and then add4 to each term. Then divide each term by 10. This is intended togive you the positions of the planets measured in astronomicalunits.

Bode's law had no theoretical justification when it was firstintroduced; it did, however, agree with the soon-to-be-discoveredplanet Uranus' orbit (19.2 au actual; 19.7 au predicted).Similarly, it predicted a missing planet betwen Mars and Jupiter,and shortly thereafter the asteroids were found in very similarorbits (2.8 au actual for Ceres; 2.8 au predicted). However, theseries seems to skip over Neptune's orbit.

Bohr magneton (N. Bohr)

The quantum of magnetic moment.

Bohr radius (N. Bohr)

The distance corresponding the mean distance of an electron fromthe nucleus in the ground state.

Boltzmann constant; k (L. Boltzmann)

380 622 . 10-23 J


A constant which describes the relationship between temperatureand kinetic energy for molecules in an ideal gas. It is equal to1.

Boyle's law (R. Boyle; 1662); Mariotte's law (E. Mariotte; 1676)

The product of the pressure and the volume of an ideal gas atconstant temperature is a constant.

Brackett series (Brackett)

The series which describes the emission spectrum of hydrogen whenthe electron is jumping to the fourth orbital. All of the linesare in the infrared portion of the spectrum.

Bragg's law (Sir W.L. Bragg; 1912)

When a beam of x-rays strikes a crystal surface in which thelayers of atoms or ions are regularly separated, the maximumintensity of the reflected ray occurs when the sine of thecompliment of the angle of incidence is equal to an integermultiplied by the wavelength of x-rays divided by twice thedistance between layers of atoms or ions.

Brewster's law (D. Brewster)

The extent of the polarization of light reflected from atransparent surface is a maximum when the reflected ray is atright angles to the refracted ray.

Brownian motion (R. Brown; 1827)

The continuous random motion of solid microscopic particles whensuspended in a fluid medium due to the consequence of continuousbombardment by atoms and molecules.

Carnot's theorem (S. Carnot)

The theorem which states that no engine operating between twotemperatures can be more efficient than a reversible engine.

centrifugal pseudoforce

A pseudoforce -- a fictitious force resulting from being in a non-inertial frame of reference -- that occurs when one is moving inuniform circular motion. One feels a "force" outward from thecenter of motion.

Chandrasekhar limit (S. Chandrasekhar; 1930)

A limit which mandates that no white dwarf (a collapsed,degenerate star) can be more massive than about 1.2 solar masses.Anything more massive must inevitably collapse into a neutronstar.

Charles' law (J.A.C. Charles; c. 1787)

The volume of an ideal gas at constant pressure is proportional tothe thermodynamic temperature of that gas.

Cherenkov radiation (P.A. Cherenkov)

Radiation emitted by a massive particle which is moving fasterthan light in the medium through which it is travelling. Noparticle can travel faster than light in vacuum, but the speed oflight in other media, such as water, glass, etc., are considerablylower. Cherenkov radiation is the electromagnetic analogue of thesonic boom, though Cherenkov radiation is a shockwave set up inthe electromagnetic field.

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