Реферат: Foreign investments in Russian economy

Priorities of policy of attraction of foreign investments in Russia should be focused on several aspects:

- Financial incentives for kinds of activity which are important for economy of the Russian Federation, including export of competitive production and import of new technologies;

- Branch priorities: attraction of foreign investments (1) in hi-tech branches (information technology, the space and nuclear industry; (2) branches that have "bottlenecks" character in economy; and (3) branches that develop export – machine-tool construction for the wood, oil, gas industry, power, metallurgy.

- Priorities for some companies: it is inexpedient to stop stimulation of the large companies, but at the same time it is necessary to pay attention to the small and average foreign companies investments attraction

- country priorities: activisation of investment attraction process in Russia economy, demands country investments inflow sources diversification at the expense of economically developed countries, and the countries with dynamical emerging markets.

The investments policy should be focused on liquidation of formal restrictions and administrative barriers on the way of the foreign capital, on use of system of the guarantees focused on specificity of foreign investments and called to compensate negative consequences of the developed investment climate.


Every country tries to attract foreign capital and obtain direct and indirect advantages of foreign investment. Today foreign investment plays one of the main roles in the direction of global development. Foreign investment plays an extraordinary and growing role in global business.

Russia has an enormous and underdeveloped endowment of natural resources, particularly in mineral resources and petroleum. There are high expectations for foreign investments to flow into resource development and related sectors. However, foreign inflows to Russia have tended to flow into not only the primary sector but also into the services sector. In general, foreign investments are more concentrated in the central regions of the Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Republic of Tatarstan than elsewhere.

There are some problems of investing in Russia. In Russia, government support of investment is very low. Bureaucracy in the Russian Federation is a very strong obstacle for investing. The legal environment for foreign investments in Russia has historically been characterized by the weak enforcement of laws and contracts. Also our country has many restrictions on investing (for example investing in strategic branches).

Russia has recently considerably enhanced its position as a foreign investments destination. It is very important for our country. Foreign investments are one of the major foundations for economic growth of Russia.


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