Реферат: Fuel Cells Essay Research Paper AbstractThe purpose

Fuel Cells Essay, Research Paper


The purpose of this paper is to inform you why fuel cells are a good source of

energy. In principle a fuel cell operates like a battery. Unlike batteries fuel cells don’t

run down or require recharging. In the first section the energy source will be defined

and described. The three sub-sections are; how they work, current us, and the future of

fuel cells. In the second section the two criteria chosen will be defined. The two criteria

are environmental friendliness and reliability. In the third and final section the two

chosen criteria will be applied to the energy source. To understand fuel cells you need to

know how they work. You also need to know the current use and development. Although

no one can tell the future of fuel cells, you can tell what direction they are headed.

Environmental friendliness is a good piece of criterion to use when analyzing an energy

source. Fuel cells are environmentally friendly because their only waste product is

water. Reliability is also a good piece of criterion to use when evaluating an energy

source. Fuel cells are reliable because they run on hydrogen and we will have hydrogen



What would the world be like without electricity? If you really think about it you

will find that many of the everyday things we do would be impossible. You would not be

able to eat many foods without cooking them over some kind of flame. You would have

absolutely no luxuries such as TVs, computers, cars, and many other things that use

electricity. This could be reality someday if something is not done to find an alternative to

our traditional methods of burning coal and oil. Someday these resources will run out and

we will be stuck without electricity. This is why we should invest our time, money, and

research into the production of fuel cells. Fuel cells are a good energy source because

they are environmentally friendly and reliable despite being expensive.

In principle a fuel cell operate like a battery. Unlike batteries fuel cells don’t run

down or require recharging. It will produce energy in the form of electricity as long as

fuel is supplied(Little, Authur). The main fuel of the cells is liquid hydrogen. On March


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