Реферат: Гістероскопічна хірургія в лікуванні хворих з поєднаними гіперпластичними процесами ендо- та міометрія
Предложен алгоритм ведения больных с сочетанными гиперпластическими процессами эндо- и миометрия.
Ключевые слова: гистероскопия, абляция, резекция эндометрия, комбинированная методика, сочетанные гиперпластические процессы эндо- и миометрия.
Kashtalyan M. M. Hysteroscopic surgery in treatment of patients the combined hyperplastic processes of endo- and myometrium. - A manuscript.
Thesis for candidate of medical sciences in speciality 14.01.01 - Obstetrics and Gynaecology. - The Odessa State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Odessa, 2008.
About 25.7% of patients of gynecologica l clinics suffer from hyperplastic processes of the uterus, more than half of them have the combined pathology. The development of organ-saving methods of surgical treatment with the use of hysteroscopy appears extremely actual. The author analyses the results of treatment of 225 women with combined hyperplastic processes of endo- and myometrium with the use of hysteroscopic ablation, resection and combined partial ablation and resection of the endometrium. The combined method allowed to decrease the incidence of interoperative and early postoperative complications 2 times as much as compared to the ablation group, and almost 2.5 times as much - the resection group.
Efficiency of hysteroscopy at combined hyperplasia of endo- and myometrium was from 91.2% with ablation to 94.6% with the combined method.
There was no effect in 6 patients of the ablation group, in 5 - of the resection group and 4 patients of the combined group. In the majority of these patients the sizes of the uterus exceeded 12 weeks of pregnancy or ade-nomyosis was revealed. The method of preoperative preparation to hysterectomy by using hysteroscopic ablation for women with hemorrhagic anemia is developed. The algorithm for treatment of women with combined hy-perplastic processes of endo- and myometrium is suggested.
Key words: hysteroscopy, ablation, resection of the endometrium, com-bined method, combined hyperplastic processes of endo- and myometrium.