Реферат: Gone With The Wind By Mitchell Essay
not want to do it but feels obligated to. The arrival of Melanie?s baby came
on the night Atlanta was burning and there was no help for the delivery.
Scarlett?s strength in adversity took over, as did her promise to Ashley, so
she delivered the baby and brought both Melanie and her newborn child to the
safety of Tara. The resolution was that even though Scarlett did not want to
care for Melanie, she did anyway. It was not just because Ashley asked her to,
but because it needed to be done. This bonded Scarlett and Melanie. The fifth
conflict was Rhett?s problem with loving a woman who loved another man. He
gave into his love for her and then pulled back when he was hurt. He showed his
love the only way she would accept it- with money. This took care of her
problems and concerns about money. Rhett solved his problem by leaving Scarlett
and returning home. This story was about people?s hopes and dreams, about
honorable treatment of others, and about facing reality amidst adversity. There
is no truth or substance in trying to recapture the past. It becomes a foolish
obsession that causes self-defeat and confusion. The true dreams of tomorrow are
lived by honor, truth, and humility. We should accept things as they really are
and not how we would like them to be.