Реферат: Goverment Cover Ups Essay Research Paper Government

Encounter of the First Kind (Dunn 6). A Close Encounter of the Second Kind is said to

leave evidence, such as pressed down or scorched plants (Dunn 6). When someone

claims to have seen the occupants of a UFO, that?s known as a Close Encounter of the

Third Kind (Dunn 6). A report of contact with occupants of a UFO is called a Close

Encounter of the Fourth Kind (Dunn 6).

I am going to tell you about five UFO encounters that are quite mysterious as to

weather it really was what the government wanted us to believe it was.

The first UFO encounter is known as the Roswell Incident. There was a UFO

crash in Lincoln County, New Mexico. It was in early July in 1947. The Air Force base at

Roswell Field had a ?flying disc.? It was taken to the Eighth Air Force Headquarters in

Fort Worth. Commander Brigadier General Roger Ramey said it was from a weather

balloon. By 1990 the Center for UFO Studies interviewed 250 individuals who were

somehow related to the incident. Those who talked about the debris said it was not of

earthly origin. Witnesses said the craft had an undentable thin foil that after it was folded,

returned to its original shape with no sign of ever being folded. Some informants claimed

that bodies not of human beings had been recovered a mile or two away (Huyghe 92).

This encounter was one persons word against another, but it could be that the commander

was trying to hide something he or somebody with higher authority, didn?t want known.

The second UFO encounter is known as the Disc in the Desert. In the Seventies a

veteran UFO researcher known as Raymond Fowler was investigating Fritz Werner. In an

sworn statement Werner swore that on May 21, 1953 he and others were driven to nearby

Indian Springs Air Force base. They were put on a bus with blackened windows and

informed that they were to participate in the recovery of a ?supersecret Air Force

vehicle.? After four hours they were let out. They were shown an oval shaped object that

?looked like two deep saucers, one inverted upon the other,? about 30 feet in diameter.

His job was to determine how fast the craft had been traveling when it hit the sand. At

one point Werner claimed he happened to look into a tent at the site; there he saw the

?dead body of a four-foot humanlike creature in a silver, metallic-looking suit.? When he

was leaving he talked briefly with an airman who said that he?d seen the interior of the

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