Реферат: Goverment Cover Ups Essay Research Paper Government

Goverment Cover Ups Essay, Research Paper

Government Cover-ups


Megan Garza

College Bound English

Mrs. Riley

Jan 1,2000

There has always been a big controversy over weather there really are

extra-terrestrials, and flying saucers. UFO is another way to sum up both of these.

Remember that UFO means unidentified flying object. It does not stand for alien. There

has also been a lot of speculation about there really being aliens and the government

keeping the citizens in the dark for various reasons. Howard Blum had an interesting way

of looking at the situation. He said, ?They?re covering up not what they know, but what

they don?t know. They?re embarrassed, and even a little frightened, by their inability to

explain certain phenomena (Huyghe 92).?

Many people take the ?lite? view of things and thinks the government is just as

baffled by the UFO phenomenon as the rest of us (Huyghe 94). Some people even feel

that the Air Force was aware that flying saucers were from another planet but they were

covering up the fact to percent public panic (Huyghe 93).

Many people speculate about the United States Air Force and Army bases being

so secretive because they are hiding flying saucers and such. One such place is called

Area 51. A terrestrial black hole into which some think millions of tax dollars go each

day, regardless of the fact that they don?t tell us anything about the place (Dane 50). One

of the reasons people think that the government is hiding things is because Area 51 and

other such Military bases are guarded with such heavy security. Armed, unidentified men

stalk the sagebrush in camouflage, unmarked Black Hawk helicopters sweep the hills,

and electronic sensors are hidden along the approaching roads (Dane 50).

There are different kinds of sightings and encounters with UFOs. Distant

sightings are more than 500 feet away, close encounters are nearer than that (Dunn 6). If


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