Реферат: History Of Physics Essay Research Paper History

Max Planck, a German physicist, published his Quantum Theory of Energy Transfer. Later, Erwin Schrodinger and Werner Heisenberg initiated the development of the field of quantum mechanics. Albert Einstein showed how mass and energy are related in his famous equation E = mc2.

Research in physics has led to important advances in technology, for example: in 1947 American physicists invented the “Transistor” which revolutionized the electronics industry, and in the early 1960’s physicists produced lasers which are light amplifying devices and are valuable tools in areas such as communications, industry, and medicine.

Governments have become interested in promoting scientific investigation. The United States and the Soviet Union have carried out extensive research on thermonuclear weapons and started a space program.


Physics has evolved greatly from when primitive man devised ways to move heavy objects to the complex scientific research that is being done today. Physics has also moved from being a branch of Philosophy in Aristotle’s day to being a very exact science today. Physicists are still seeking knowledge concerning the laws of nature and the universe and are involved in many diverse areas of research, such as, biophysics, astrophysics, solid-state physics, and genetic engineering. Physicist no longer believe, as they once did, that everything is now known concerning the universe and are constantly searching for new truths.


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